biodiversity presentation pdf

that the water temperature, velocity, transparency and carbon dioxide content of the parent Extenders used for diluting the fish semen are generally designed to be compatible with the physico-chemical composition of seminal fluid of the candidate species. 30 Full PDFs related to this paper . Two of the world’s 25 biodiversity hotspots are found in India. The indicates that the biodiverse land without major extinctions will reduce Despite the benefits from biodiversity, today’s threats to species and ecosystems are increasing day by day with alarming rate and virtually all of them are caused by human mismanagement of biological resources often stimulated by imprudent economic policies, pollution and faulty institutions in-addition to climate change. brings about changes in abiotic and biotic factors compare to untamed rivers and the Major part of stream water is mainly abstracted for the irrigation purpose in the side lying fields all along its length. /SA true Wilderness areas in the world are threatened by the environmental Advantage of cryopreserving the fish semen is well established. Present communication deals with the reassessment of ichthyofaunal diversity of the river Bhilangna and its two sub tributaries, the Balganga and the Nailchami of Bhagirathi river system in Garhwal Himalaya. It comes down from the hills of Baragari and through Joshiyara debouches into the river Bhagirathi at Uttarkashi (elevation 1128 masl). A common measure of this variety, called species richness, is the count of species in an area. Despite, government efforts on biodiversity conservation, the pressures on rangelands’ biodiversity utilization are growing in line with increasing human population. Loss of biodiversity.ppt. Take for example, food and medicines: All our food and nearly two-thirds of the drugs approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration between 1981 and 2014 derive in one way or another from natural products; other developing countries like India, which have strong/long tradition of plant-based remedies, are even more dependent on biodiversity for their medical needs. Characterization and short-term storage of semen of a coldwater fish species. culture techniques, social forestry to minimize stress on the exploitation of forest resources. leaf width, leaf length, the length of petiole, stem diameter and plant height which contributed greatly to the diversity. Methods for surveying and monitoring fauna will depend on the types of fauna that the study is looking for. 147. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2699. The ecosystem services of biodiversity is maintained through formation and protection of soil, conservation and purification of water, maintaining hydrological cycles, regulation of biochemical cycles, absorption and breakdown of pollutants and waste materials through decomposition, determination and regulation of the natural world climate. The trends in the camel population growth projected at approximately 1.6 million camels in the Arab Peninsula and approximately 53% of the total in KSA with untapped manure falling along with the Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) making them ideal for energy extractions and applications in remote and rural areas. There is heterogeneity in the stream bed characteristics which results into the existence of varied fish fauna. of semen is determined as species characteristics. The success of this project will not only improve the living conditions of local communities, but also will be a reference model in terms of geological conservation at national and international level. The search for sustainable economic growth and development in Ghana commenced in 1957 when the country gained independence. Biodiversity is important in a number of ways, Bhagirathi river in Garhwal region of northern India is dammed at four locations (Maneri Bhali Phase I, Phase II, Tehri Hydroelectric Dam and Koteshwar Dam) for hydro power generation resulting in the fragmentation of riverine habitat. The DMSO proved better than glycerol. To study embryonic and larval d, Biodiversity conservation:Biodiversity is the variety and variation in different forms of life on earth, including the different plants, animals, micro-organisms, the genes contained in them and the ecosystem they establish. One major contribution that the social sciences can make about the uncertain human future is to help us explore alternative futures; for example, what would the world be like with depleted biodiversity, or with higher global temperatures than average. For propagation and conservation of this species, first successful attempt was made to cryopreserve the milt of S. richardsonii. There were significant differences in these parameters Orchids were one of the key species in an ecosystem that can affect the presence of flora and fauna in them. The intrinsic value of biodiversity refers to its inherent worth, which is independent of its value to anyone or anything else. and Resource Institute (TERI), New Delhi. can support a more productive fishery. One can safely assert that without biodiversity, there is no future for humanity, at least as we know it. READ PAPER. >> This first successful attempt to cryopreserve the S. richardsonii milt explores the possibility to improve efficiency of hatchery oriented seed production and thereby propagation of the species through river ranching and ex-situ conservation of its germplasm. completed in 2004 about 1km after confluence of rivers Bhagirathi and Bhilangana. The living component of the ecosystem constitutes its biodiversity, comprising all forms and variety of life on Earth across all the different levels of biological organization. Some of the existing measures of biodiversity conservation, including agricultural biodiversity, include the following: biosphere/forest preservers, zoological/botanic gardens, national parks, genebanks and adoption of breeding techniques, tissue culture techniques, social forestry to minimize stress on the exploitation of forest resources (Ramanatha Rao and Hodgkin 2002; ... Biodiversity has a huge benefits both in human economics and ecological services such as keeping hydrology cycle's balance, soil fertility, erosion barrier, and controlling microclimate [1] . The result of this study could be exploited in the planning and execution of future breeding programme in local eggplant. Natural capital and biodiversity considerations will be integrated into business practices; Making the EU a world leader in addressing the global biodiversity crisis. Threats to Biodiversity 7. Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. Y. Gokhale and A.K. BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION AND NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT INTRODUCTION: Biodiversity is the variety and var... Biodiversity conservation and national development. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. food to eat, and the water to drink. The milt samples were evaluated for pH (7.31 0.07), sperm density (3.77 0.78x108), spermatocrit value (63.13 10.27%), and sperm motility. Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. It also assesses the potential role of a geopark figure in Santander as an urgent measure to promote the geoconservation of the Chicamocha Canyon territory. Biodiversity—the diversity of life on Earth—is defined as the variability among living organisms from all sources, including diversity within species, between species, and of ecosystems. Species (animal and plant) provide us with food, building materials, energy and medicines. developed countries. Undoubtedly, this initiative should satisfy all the requirements to be a UNESCO Global Geopark, which include a delimited area that defines a territory, the occurrence of geological features of international importance with scientific, educational and aesthetic value, the presence of other types of heritage such as archaeological sites, as well as a proper access infrastructure that favors the socio-economic development of the region. Green algae were the dominant Consequently, the composition and structure of fish assemblages in the river has been affected. /BitsPerComponent 8 Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. The post-impoundment physical, chemical and biological parameters of the parent Conservation of Biodiversity 8. Biodiversity is a broad totality and often embraces elements beyond species diversity or numbers. Developing cryopreservation protocols for the spermatozoa of snowtrout and other endangered Coldwater species, Reproductive Strategies of Snowtrout (Scizothorax sp.) Semen is commonly packaged in cryovials, plastic straws or visotubes before it is cooled over liquid nitrogen vapor or in programmable freezer followed by storage in liquid nitrogen. << The country's biodiversity also underpins ecosystem resilience which plays a critical role by reducing disaster risks and peace-building strategies. PPT OF BIODIVERSITY Tusharkanti Nayak. It was observed Download Free PDF. /Length 7 0 R Biodiversity is the life support system. Schizothorax richardsonii, S. plagiostomus are dominate species in the riverine segment of river Bhilangna while Cyprinus carpio (common carp) is the dominate species in impoundment segment of river Bhilangana (reservoir area). It was found that the forests, wetlands and mangroves which form part of the biodiversity help to reduce the impact of floods, drought and tsunamis. Biodiversity and balance of Nature 5. In a landmark study published in … Archive 2021 (59) January (59) 2020 (618) December (38) November (24) October (90) September (165) August … Its semen is characterized in order to have baseline information for developing short-term and long-term preservation protocol for their ready availability for artificial fertilization in hatchery. Animal diversity assessment technique describes impact of pollution on their environment. 1.5 Structure and scope of the Good Practice Guidance 16 Provides a route map to the content of the GPG and illustrates the conceptual approach adopted for the GPG. 1 0 obj It is vitally important that this attitude of indifference should change to active concern so that humanity will be able to sustain the existing biodiversity into the future; neglecting to take such an integrated perspective is inviting our own downfall. ���� JFIF �� C �� C�� �Q �� It ranks ninth in terms of plant species richness. functioning and healthy. Study reports eleven fish species from the stream belonging to two orders, three families and six genera. In order to guarantee the successful consolidation of the proposed geopark within the defined territory, this initiative must count the strong support of the local communities and must involve stakeholders such as government authorities, academic and research institutions, and local businesses. 7) timber and medicine. The biosphere comprises of a complex collections of innumerable organisms, known as the Biodiversity, which constitute the vital life support for survival of human race. Thus choice and concentration of cryoprotectants, and rate of cooling is needed to be optimized for each species as the basis for any protocol development. 2019). of pollutants and waste materials through decomposition, determination and regulation of the natural world This study aims for knowing the conservation and diversity of native orchids species in Mudal River Park Ecotourism, KulonProgo, Yogyakarta. All content in this area was uploaded by N. K. Agarwal on Feb 18, 2016, Biodiversity: Concept, threats and conservation, processes in the biosphere, biodiversity is vital in a, hydrological cycles, regulation of biochemical cycles, absorption, through decomposition, determination and regulation of the natural world cli. River water is forced through tunnels for operation of two hydropower projects namely Rajwakti hpp (3.60 MW) and Vanala hpp (15 MW). Biodiversity is not only the sum of all ecosystems, species and genetic material. The fresh and non-contaminated semen always showed more than 75 percent motile sperm. Further, it After the first president, Kwame Nkrumah was overthrown in 1966, the nation witnessed a significant setback in terms of development which affected all aspects of the society including utilization of biodiversity and its sustainable development. Traditional enclosures and pastoral mobility are among the important indigenous practices used for rehabilitation of degraded rangelands and conservation of fragile ecosystems. The planktonic communities of both rivers were impacted Fish as a group, from biodiversity view point has the highest species diversity among all vertebrate taxa. The experiment was conducted from March to August 2018 at Agrotechnopark Jatikerto, Malang, East Java. %PDF-1.4 It KSA has planned for the development and use of biomass renewable energy sources, which are available abundantly, carbon-neutral and climate mitigation source. It refers to genetic variation, ecosystem variation, species variation (number of species) within an area, biome or planet. Most affected species have been found Schizothorax, Glyptothorax, Pseudecheneis,Garra,Labeo, Crossocheilus, Noemacheilus, Barilius, Psilorhynchus, Clupisoma, Mastacembelus, and migratory Tor, spp., which are indigenous rheophilic species requiring distinct habitats to fulfil their life cycle stages. Plausible future birth rates lower than the expected rates lead to much Loss of biodiversity.ppt. Snow trout (Schizothoracines) group was dominating, contributed 33.41% of fishes followed by Noemacheilus spp. Wetlands filter pollutants from water, trees and plants reduce global warming by absorbing carbon, and bacteria and fungi break down organic material and fertilize the soil. Equilibration time was standardized as 45 min for DMSO and 60 min for glycerol. Negi (eds. A greater awareness of the value of diversity B. Conventions on Biodiversity 10.Conclusion 11.Reference 2. 4.4 BIODIVERSITY AT GLOBAL, NATIONAL AND LOCAL LEVELS 88 4.5 INDIA AS A MEGA DIVERSITY NATION 89 4.6 HOTSPOTS OF BIODIVERSITY 90 4.7 THREATS TO BIODIVERSITY: HABITAT LOSS, POACHING OF WILDLIFE, MAN-WILDLIFE CONFLICTS 91 4.8 ENDANGERED AND ENDEMIC SPECIES OF INDIA 94 4.8.1 Common Plant species 94 4.8.2 Common Animal species 99 4.9 CONSERVATION OF BIODIVERSITY… The present chapter focused on the primary information of the book regarding how the contaminants in agriculture are introduced with possible ways to mitigate their impacts. /Height 139 Recent advances in chemical applications in the agricultural sector have been contributed to disruptive contamination of crop and environment. A number of different protocols are advocated in literature for the preservation of fish semen but most of them are concerned with the salmonids, tilapia, and carp. Present status of, Bhilangna and its tributaries with reference to, 151. doi:10.1080/15368370701410558.PMID 1761304, In. Download Biodiversity PowerPoint templates (ppt) and Google Slides themes to create awesome presentations. Biological diversity (biodiversity) is the occurrence of different types of ecosystems, different species of organisms with the whole range of their variants and genes adapted to different climates, and environments along with their interactions and processes. India is one of the most diverse nations in the world. ���� =��y�W�캶�vc��j�^��ܭ��VO�oEm0��]�?S�l\�=7�[�&^�cR��u��WL%�U�趷�mU�׻h��ڹ=ֹ��r�n�XCZ�5GY� >4굦���Gt�A�k�j�;G�cfp p���l���H>��}M)�o��M�ɺ�����뷲����׉�f�k��k�H�\����^�)j�q�Ma˹�5������M ���y�»?3���@>ӛ$�� `��������> S��mL� ^��=©f����.�f� ��#���ꗗ�WV�� ��O;s�\�{ PE�������" Ӵh 0�v7ϿV�+��w� ;����Q�_� �e� �- L�'��� �� i��h��4�Wa@ �A�s#��1s�=(�� ��N��ز�. The conservation and management measures for river habitat and fish diversity are also suggested in the present communication. [/Pattern /DeviceRGB] Animal diversity assessment describes their food, habitat, ecology, and their population. Environmental changes, including loss of biodiversity, threaten agricultural production and quality. To prepare inventory of fish resources of the river Ganga and its tributaries (14.57%) besides inconsequential contributions by other spp. These percentages are based on a commonly used purification of water, maintaining hydrological cycles, regulation of biochemical cycles, absorption, breakdown (15.34%) and Barilius spp. It also emphasizes the need for conservation efforts. Newer Post Older Post Home. It refers to genetic variation, ecosystem variation, species variation (number of species) within an area, biome or planet. Based on research, 15 species of orchids were found. When people think of conserving biodiversity, they often think of efforts to save animals such as the polar bear or the tiger. /CA 1.0 Faunal diversity includes odonate (predators), coleoptera, hymenoptera (pollinators), herpetofauna, avifauna, fish, mammals, and butterflies. 01963.x. The chemical constituents of extenders vary enormously (Stoss, 1983). Human wellbeing includes food, nutrition, and health, along with many other creature comforts. following four drivers are considered: human population growth (1), The conservation status of fish fauna of Nandakini river ascertained by CAMP (1998) assessment revealed that out of 23 species, status of 6 species was not assessed due to data deficient, 7 species were categorised as lower risk near threatened, 6 as vulnerable and 4 species as endangered. This incorporates the preservation, maintenance, sustainable use, recovery and enhancement of the components of biological diversity. 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biodiversity presentation pdf 2021