This is a sign of something bigger, and here, we’ll touch on the sudden acts of aggression in cats and will help you find out the reason behind “why my cat hates me all of a sudden.”. It’s really hard when you’re doing whatever you can think of to remedy the situation and nothing seems to be working. Then, she would always wait for me in bed to sleep through the night together. Fond of my fluffies? Most cats aren’t a fan of being touched if they have a scrape or bruise somewhere on their body. We decided to leave her with my boyfriends mom. well it happened again and I got up quick and turned around since I wasn’t facing him and well he looked scared and shocked. It’s their way of telling them to back off or they’ll be forced to attack – cats characteristically want to avoid confrontation at all costs, so think of this as a warning shot. I would recommend trying to get help from those in the household who she likes. he is very spoiled by the way. By Nick Greene. Not things like peeing on carpets or throwing up all over the house (those = sick cat in almost every case), instead things like getting into closets and cabinets the cat knows he shouldn’t be in, sitting on tables and counters he shouldn’t be sitting on only when no human is in the room, or other sneaky things like that. I have had my cat for 5 years now & have had cats all my life. If you’re spending more time with other cats, then chances are your cat will hate the smell of that cat and in turn hate you. am i overthinking this? For re-training him to be cuddly again, I have an article here that may help you. The second issue is that she used to love me and play with me and steal all of my attention from my work by literally pushing my computer away so I would pay attention to her but now she growls when i even go near her and warning bites me when i try to pet her. Here’s a viral video on how to “deactivate” even the most hyper of kittens by picking them up by the nape. He was a stray from the street and he sorta adopted me. Why Does My Cat Meow So Much? I feed her, I take care of her, and I love her. The house is quiet. When I try petting it either tries biting or scratches me. Hi I have problem with my 5,5 year old female cat. I got another cat and she began to sleep with us and she acted like she was happy for a while. The best thing I can come up with is that they're jealous of new friends you may have made or that you're leaving them behind. He seemed to be on the mend physically, but was still growling at my girlfriend whenever she was nearby (despite her taking over his feeding). January 6, 2018 by Elise Xavier | Updated: July 21, 2020 - 68 Comments. I’m hoping this has solved the issue! Notify me of follow-up comments by email. I’m guessing you’d be pretty grumpy and act like you hate everyone around you, too. Cat behaving in a “normal” cat way, but you’d prefer it if your cat was less anti-social and/or more well behaved? My cat seems scared all of a sudden. She may just hate her box itself. She was the only cat for all the years and like month ago we adopted another one (male this time) the same breed – british blue. If we introduce an adult cat into a home, it can be difficult to know the specifics of their past. She lets me pet her when I bring her food and she is eating, other than that she doesn’t want anything to do with me at all. Join me & my furries in our little corner of the feline-obsessed world. Hope that helps! They received too much attention as a kitten. Again, read those articles over and let me know if you have any questions/have any issue implementing some of the tips. I contacted a cat whisperer who was a hoax. By continuing to use this site you consent to the use of cookies on your device as described in our cookie policy unless you have disabled them. Why Would My Cat Hate Me? There can be many, many reasons why stray cats are hanging around your home. My friend gained a dog that was aggressive toward the cat, and we wanted to give her a new home. If you want something that needs constant attention and affection, then a cat may not be the best animal for you. From time to time, dogs and cats may appear distant, but that doesn't mean you can't bond with your furry friend and certainly doesn't mean your pet hates you. Some of the most common causes of fear or stress in the life of a cat include new pets in the home, too many pets in the home, sudden movements, sneaking up on them, loud noises, harsh treatment or unfair punishment, being put in a cat carrier, riding in a vehicle, lack of resources (food, water, toys, scratching post), a change in routine or no routine at all. but he has not dug his nails on me or anything like that. She has completely transformed since coming to our home. Back then it was the only way she would eat, so it became a habit. I'd hate to have my cat scared of me. Maybe there’s an injury from another cat, a scratch or something on her body? She’s a big cat lover and they’ve been buddies ever since she moved in last year. My cat runs from me all of a sudden when eating. Then Charlie starts growling and hissing, they attack each other. Charlie is always stubborn and angry but he takes all of his anger on me then tries to attack me. My cat really enjoyed the new baby and always layed next to us on the bed or couch, well about 2 months ago we went to Washington for 3 weeks and my roommate cat sitted her for me but for some reason since we got back she’s been so mad at me, she used to sleep with me all the time and now she won’t acknowledge me at all,she will sleep with my fiance and rub herself on him and meow at him and she won’t even lay next to me. he sleeps with me fine, we cuddle. Any suggestions? Since I took her off the streets about five years ago, on random nights just after I go to bed, she goes to the living room and ‘sings’. So I don't let him in my room anymore.. ... Why does my cat want so much attention all of a sudden? Facts about cats, training tips, odd behaviours, pet care advice - I talk as much as I can about it all here! Treats don’t work because he won’t accept anything from me, and isn’t very food-driven in the first place. Also, see if there’s a way that the others in the household are holding or touching her that you’re not, mimic their behaviour with her because maybe there’s something in the way they do things that she prefers? Remember, training cats to behave the way you want takes time and repeated effort on your part, and you’re in no way guaranteed any cat will ever behave just the way you’d like. cuz I hide too and he tries to find me like a peekaboo game kind a way and then after he gets close enough he pounces on me. I’ve heard it takes up to a month (or even two!) Read all of's why does my... cat articles and videos here. This is a very important question that if not properly handled can lead to serious complications for your cat. He stares out the window all day and plays with me still which isnt that abnormal but something in his demeanor has changed and he is not as loving as he was before. Why does my cat hate me all of a sudden? Cats dislike change in their routines in the first place, but they also do get attached to people, and in my opinion, a lot of cats grow to become emotionally dependent on human company, even if it’s passive companionship. He rarely does this with me anymore and has decided he prefers to be on my husband. Is there ANYTHING I can do? If the behavior continues, there is clearly a more long-term cause. A lot of time, and hissing, growling, and generally being upset are going to happen, absolutely. Try getting them to interact with her at the same time as you. he hides from me also but like I guess to play? AC & DC are 2 1/2 yesr old sisters, living in-doors. I’m desperate to rebuild my relationship with my cat, but it seems impossible. About 2 months ago he started acting weird towards me, shunning me and spending most of his time in my roommate’s room. Your cat may dislike a change in his or her environment. What gives? To help him recover, we installed a number of Feliway diffusers around the house and created dens for him. I even pet her. my cat binxy (who we have had for 8 years) has all of a sudden be acting very aggressive to our other cat Christopher (who we have had for 3 years) they were aggressive to each other at first, this we knew! There may be something less than ideal about your cat’s current diet. They are about the same age and Newt has a genetic disorder where he can’t use his back legs but he still hops around. About a week later, when we went to take her with us, she’s been very hostile toward us. OUCH! Honestly, if this is you – don’t sweat it. I’ve been trying to give him some space but it only seems to make him more distant to me. My girlfriend moved in with me (and my lodger out) 6 months ago, and between June and the end of October my girlfriend worked from home. I think some cats probably just need a lot more adjusting to new cats in their lives than others. And I don’t think your cat needs a second cat to keep him company, just some good ol’ fashioned training. Then one night when I was sitting on the couch under a blanket, she came up and peed on it. Once he’s “reset” and no longer grumpy, at that point, I would very slowly and carefully try to re-introduce them, on Charlie’s terms only. Hi Jessica! But he needs his pill. nominates you for the liebster award. He is high energy and we can not afford another cat to pet rent being expensive. Cats are a unique species, and if you’re looking for a pet that shows you constant affection, dedication, and an obvious form of love, you probably should have opted to adopt a dog. By the end of the first week, I had to kick him out of my room at night. 1. A short while back he adopted a kitten, and the two get along famously (though like with any cats, sometimes get into little squabbles). he gently headbutts me but also I assume gets hyper and runs around like he is crazy or something. To make matters worse a few days ago we unexpectadly ended up with a new kitten. Is it OK to put this on both of my WordPress blogs? If she’s upset at you while playing, you should quickly look up a guide or two on Youtube about how to play with cats (I unfortunately don’t have an article on that topic yet, but many people don’t find this intuitive since they’re really picky about how they’re played with). I can’t do anything in my home without him trying to bite me. Any thoughts other than what you spoke about in the article? If you've ever thought to yourself, "My dog doesn't like me," or "Why do I have such a standoffish cat?" But your cat may be unhappy, for reasons we discuss in this article. I’d like to state for the record here: I will never personally believe any cat that acts in a way that resembles hatred toward a human actually does hate that person. Does your cat really hate you? I know it takes cats a while to adjust but her behavior is very odd. I do think at this point, the only thing really stressing him out is the inconsistency, and that he really likes you and is trying to show you he hates it when you leave. Vomiting a lot? Cats don’t really hate you; what they hate is something about their particular situation, living environment, or physical status/well being, and in response to that frustration, they are acting out at you. Let me know if you have any other questions! Peeing outside his or her litter box, like on objects around the house. The hits in my household are ridiculously affordable: cat springs, ball track toys, & kick sticks. If you bring in a big change, your cat is going to probably suddenly hate you, at least for a little while. In my opinion, there’s a very good chance your particular cat will turn out to be the companion you hoped she would be. I decided at that point the only choice was to keep him inside until at least this behavior stopped because i live in a condo where indoor/ outdoor cat is not an option. What you need to do is essentially your absolute best to regain her trust. The post-operation check up also went well. Then, I started to look for reasons of the same. Purrpetrators. It just started happening and I can’t think of anything that’s changed. There is stray cat pass through our house but he does not mark I also make sure the litter box is clean and provided an additional litter box. She will, however, go visit other people in my apartment complex who she is very friendly with and let’s cradle her etc. I started to think maybe I wasnt taking him out enough and found myself taking him out for half hour walks multiple times a week to appease him wanting my happy kitty back. Purrpetrators is reader-supported. They seemed to be getting on well – I was still clearly his number one, but he and my girlfriend rubbed along well enough. Two steps: There are quite a lot of behaviours that are true to some extent of nearly all cats that could lend themselves to making a human believe a cat doesn’t care for them. Hissing and biting when you rub a belly or body part, Moving, this is a huge one and they’re going to be pissed for a bit, New food, they can get a little pissy about this, Go to the vet and do make sure that you tell them about the behaviors, If you notice they’re peeing more, it might be a UTI, If they’re vomiting, it could be a food allergy, or they ate something bad, They can also do x-rays and tests to help find it, Increase the playtime and exercise time as needed, Get them another cat. Hi we recently got our cat in March from a shelter. He does not sleep this way all night anymore with either of us. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program (and other potential affiliate networks), an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated site. If you’re at all familiar with my work or have heard any of my conference lectures, you’ve heard me say that we live in a horizontal world but cats live in a vertical one. Newt climbs up the stairs to see Charlie all the time, clearly he wants to be buddies with Charlie. Hi, my 4 year old (neutered) male cat will not accept my new kitten, it’s been over 2 weeks and although he will tolerate the new kitten he will not tolerate me because of the new kitten, he hides all day either under a bed or outside, he doesn’t want to cuddle anymore, he’s been gurning/growling when I pick him up and occasionally if the kitten gets too close. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases; learn more here. I’m really sad about it as I’ve had cats all my life and whereas I know some are more independent than others, she was always loving and attention seeking and now only wants attention from other people. I moved into a new apartment with my boyfriend and my boyfriend and kitten have always gotten along. Sometimes, it’ll seem something works and she won’t do it for about a week and a half. I believe my cat is now scared of me. I am the one who feeds her but it doesn’t matter to her. But, every night that I came home, she would purr with excitement and played with me until she was tired. These high-energy exercise toys will be your best bet for releasing as much aggression as possible on the toy rather than on you. It growls and hisses at me daily whether I tried to play with it pet it or what not. That doesn’t at all mean the trust won’t return – it will, just not immediately or maybe as quickly as you’d have liked. I would keep him in the room until the hissing has subsided, and then once he’s stopped hissing at you, have little visits from your senior cat for a few minutes at a time every day or so, then increase in length and frequency of the visits if he’s coping with them well. I’ve rescued a stray a while ago and my cat got super aggressive because of his smell. She has to re-build her trust in you, because she likely felt like you abandoned her when you left.

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