Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Therefore, the novel functions as a quiet sort of horror story, just to show how little we can really know about people we assume to know so well. The Murder 56m. Categories: Middle Grade, Mystery, Youth Fiction. The Secret Keeper: A Novel and millions of other books are available for instant access. If a Secret Keeper dies, all the people already aware of the secret information become Secret Keepers. this section. The Secret Keepers will take you on an emotional journey of life as a multiple. resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel. The School 59m. 2. By the author of The Mysterious Benedict Society, this heart-pounding mystery adventure is laced with magic and humor. The Secret Keepers is a darker novel than I had expected with a lonely, somewhat troubled child wandering around a decaying, older city. The Secret Keeper (The Secret Keeper Series Book 1) - Kindle edition by Brown, Brea. Parents need to know that The Secret Keepers is by Trenton Lee Stewart, author of the best-selling Mysterious Benedict Society series. By Trenton Lee Stewart. "The Secret Keepers" is the prequel to the "The Coven" and tells the historical, and mystical, backstory of a witch's coven on the coast of North Carolina. By Reading Level. Barely worth reading, even as a prequel to a new book. Charlotte, Hannah and Catherine find themselves aboard Blackbeards' ship and in danger. I haven't read that yet, although it is on my Kindle. THE SECRET KEEPERS is a wonderful prequel to Chrissy Lessey’s popular magical realism series, The Crystal Coast Series (THE COVEN, THE HUNTED, THE BEACON). The Secret Keepers has 9 reviews and 13 ratings. Genre Fiction Share