The discussion below includes information about foods that disrupt the proper working of a rabbit’s GI tract as well as foods that enable it to function as it should. Enterotoxemia, a life-threatening disease, results from toxins produced by specific bacteria that overgrow in a rabbit’s GI tract. One of them, elderly and very ill, presented with a large soft mass that looked as though it had been dispensed from a soft-serve machine, complete with swirl on the top. In this way your pet will never have to worry about going hungry and will have healthy food to eat. Additionally, note that a rabbit may not eat cecotropes due to dental or other oral pain as well as obesity or restricted movement (e.g., spondylosis) that prevents the bunny from physically reaching the anus to eat the cecotropes. Other, more uncommon causes of ISS include: partial intestinal obstruction particularly in the area of the junction of the cecum with the small and large intestine, internal abscesses, neoplasia (cancer) and other systemic disease that causes changes in the cecum, such as kidney or liver disease. Affected rabbits are often still bright, alert and eating well. Pea pods (flat, NO peas) Be clear and realistic about your expectations and goals for treatment, which should prioritize your rabbit’s comfort and quality of life. There are various stages and manifestations of cecal motility disorders. A rabbit may produce cecotropes at different times during the day, and this periodicity might differ from bunny to rabbit. Escarole These toxins are absorbed into the bloodstream and affect many organs in the rabbit’s body, often resulting in death in a very short time. Radicchio Once the pet starts eating the hay gradually reduce the amount of pellets to zero over the next week and continue with feeding only grass hay as described in the section above until the soft stools are gone for a week. Freshly pulled grass (not clippings) and some other native plants (e.g., dandelion greens) that are free of fecal and chemical contamination can also be fed; they have the added benefit of being more fibrous than store-purchased greens. Derived from amino acids, they affect a wide range of the rabbit’s physiological functions, including metabolism, smooth muscle action, and nerve transmissions. Receiving a neurological signal that the cecotropes are coming, the rabbit turns his attention to the anal area and eats the cecotropes directly (a process called cecotrophy); they are swallowed whole. In addition, our domestic rabbits retain the prey flight-response of their forebears and the stress of real or perceived danger can adversely affect digestion, cecotrope production, and gut motility. Not all rabbits with cecal dysbiosis will exhibit obvious soft or pudding-like cecotropes. In any case, they usually do this when you're not watching (quite polite of them). Cecal motility disorders and enterotoxemia require the attention of a veterinarian to ensure proper diagnosis and treatment. (Thus, they are not really “night droppings” as sometimes thought.). Fiber is second in importance. Never again feed commercial rabbit treats or high carbohydrate snacks which include those found in the following list: Beans (of any kind) Bean or alfalfa sprouts As long as they are eating a low carbohydrate diet, these bacteria are not harmful. Cecotropes are produced in the cecum which is a part of the rabbits digestive system. Blackberries It is estimated that B12is synthesized 100x the daily requirement. The treatment of ISC is based first on a serious diet restriction to grass hay, which acts to return the GI tract to normal, and secondly a gradual reintroduction of additional foods after normal cecotropes are produced for at least a week. Thus, familiarity with the signs of the various stages can be helpful, keeping in mind that there is overlap between the stages and that individuality affects how a rabbit presents with the condition. This condition can be fatal in 24 to 48 hours, particularly in recently weaned rabbits. I also provide guidelines for a diet that is high in fiber and water content (Oxbow Critical Care™ is a popular choice). The primary author has a special interest in cecal function because of her rescued rabbits. Proper nutrition is a must for these rabbits to decrease the probability of recurrence. Cause of Intermittent Soft Cecotropes (ISC). However, extreme caution is necessary so as not to damage or rupture the cecum. Some rabbits will have a gradual decline in appetite and develop smaller and smaller waste droppings, ending eventually with a complete cessation of food intake and a shutdown (ileus) of the intestinal tract and cecum. If a rabbit with soft cecotropes is overweight, it’s safe to discontinue feeding pellets only if he or she is freely eating grass hay. Your rabbit might eat hay right away and your problem is solved. A rabbit will normally poop a number of times per day, producing anywhere between 100-300 individual pellets (this number will change depending on the size of the rabbit). Unlike many other species, in which liquid is removed from the contents of the large intestine, the rabbit actually secretes fluid into the upper part of the large intestine to allow sorting of the two fibers. Cabbage (red, green, Chinese) Despite these soft droppings, however, there is evidence of normal, dry, round stools being produced daily as well. Another scenario that occurs less frequently is when a rabbit eats less, then stops eating, producing mucus instead of cecotropes. For Rabbits not Currently Eating Grass Hay. However, as previously noted by Dr. Brown, a rabbit will not necessarily proceed through each stage. Marie Mead has been involved in various capacities with animal rescue, advocacy, and education for over twenty years. Dr. Chlebeček cautions that overfeeding pellets and other treats (including fruits and high-sugar vegetables such as carrots) generally results in poor hay consumption. The progress of treatment can be evaluated and detection of any other diseases can be made. – Marie Mead. Some veterinarians may prescribe probiotics for rabbits on antibiotics for extended periods of time, but the efficacy of presently available probiotics is currently unknown. Pear She is involved in exotic animal care at rescue organizations and shelters. Rabbits do not become underweight on this diet so you do not need to monitor the weight. For one thing, they are generally part of the problem and two, they will provide enough calories that your rabbit may not get hungry enough to have an incentive to change to a new pellet or to start eating hay. These foods provide a variety of nutrients as well as moisture. The cecum then “dumps” contents randomly instead of producing nicely formed cecotropes. May exhibit mild to moderate pain (e.g., less active), Severe abdominal pain due to gas accumulation. Mango In all cases, the emphasis remains on high quantities of quality grass hay. Celery (leaves are good) Emergency treatment generally includes stabilization of the rabbit’s temperature, subcutaneous or intravenous fluids, pain medication, prokinetics (motility drugs), and syringe-feeding of a high-fiber food (e.g., Critical Care™). Signs of sick rabbit Digestive Issues. Cranberries Unfortunately, the rabbit may not always be brought to the animal hospital early in the condition. Grass hay is most important for the health of the rabbit. Strawberries. Dr. Scott Stahl, who treats many rabbits at his exotic animal practice, advises: Rabbits are herbivorous and their proper diet includes high-fiber, low-energy foods such as grass hay and leafy greens. The production of too many cecotropes iscaused by a diet that is rich in carbohydrates, sugar and protein which disturbs the balance of the bacteria present in the caecum. True diarrhea in a rabbit is a sign of a serious and often fatal condition. This happens in a small population of rabbits and if necessary they can live successfully on a free-choice grass hay and moderated greens/vegetable/fruit diet without pellets. However, the most common cause of cecal motility disorders is food, especially a diet too rich in carbohydrates – including starchy vegetables, fruits, and grains – and lacking in fiber. This should be the only food given until the stools return to normal. It is very harmful to overfeed your bunny, so you will want to pay attention to how many carrots you give … The differences in rabbit behavior (both when healthy and when ill) as well as the varying ways in which rabbits present signs of illness or injury emphasize the importance of familiarity with your own bunnies. Collard greens  Dock Dandelion greens (and flower) Compounding the problem is the lack of fiber; the rabbit is not eating enough grass hay, which means that the cecum does not empty as it should. We suggest adding one new green food every 48 hours to make sure no soft stools are being formed. The dose is 100 mg per 5 pounds of body weight one to two times daily. Once the rabbit stops producing the obvious soft cecotropes for a full week – meaning his body is now producing cecotropes normally – I gradually add in one leafy green food every three days until the rabbit is eating a nice variety. However, some rabbits who are producing abnormal cecotropes will not completely return to normal if fed any pellets, even grass-hay-based. Parsley (Italian or flat leaf best) Seeds and nuts add a lot of extra calories and starches and can be part of the problem. There are anecdotal reports about the positive effects of probiotics, and a veterinarian may incorporate them into the treatment plan.

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