I research photo locations and plan my itinerary at the same time – talk about efficiency! But you can also achieve a pleasing effect with “balanced asymmetry”, where the subject is off-center but balanced out by another object. If you want to take a picture of your hamburger, take a picture of your hamburger, not yourself holding your hamburger up to your face while you're making a duck-face with your friends. Here are nine smartphone photo-taking tips to create the perfect photos for Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter feeds—tips to help make your businesses’ social media stand out. Or, will your feed involve plenty of food photography? Good timing can take a photo from just pretty to pretty amazing. Any guide on how to take good Instagram photos is bound to include our No. Familiarize yourself with photography basics. A good rule of thumb is to always make your horizon straight. Then, simply drag your draft posts onto the visual planner and arrange them to create the perfect grid. Did your mom ever tell you that your eyes were bigger than your stomach? margin: 2em 0; You’ll get there eventually with plenty of research and practice. But, if you can practice some patience and tweak and refine as you’re shooting, you’re far more likely to end up with an image that you’re happy with. . Try finding a good source of natural light, a background without any details, and a camera set in a way that will allow you to capture the drops. Avoid using your flash in favor of natural light, which creates photos that are richer and brighter. Check out our guide on how to find and create your brand’s perfect Instagram aesthetic. But, sometimes quality really does carry a little more weight than quantity. But, the point is this: Don’t trick yourself into thinking that Instagram’s tools are all that’s available to you. and post. 1. recipe for great Instagram photos time and time again. Rule of thirds. } By simply adjusting the clarity, contrast, and then adding a “refresh” filter, we were able to transform this previously dingy and dark flat lay photo: Into this end result that’s much brighter, cleaner, and far more striking: What exact settings and adjustments you make to your photos will depend on what overall look you’re going for within your brand’s Instagram feed. The quality of your images is extremely important. Shooting from far away and cropping lowers the image resolution, leading to grainy, lackluster photos that damage your brand. Our brains also love patterns. You want to stand out from other brands on Instagram, so always challenge yourself to find a fresh angle on a common subject. Lighting is the foundation of a good photo. When you’re clicking away on your camera, make sure to pause for a moment to look at the pictures you’ve captured so far. And when it comes to Instagram photography, they make a big impact on a small screen. Here are a few ideas for composing your photos for more impact. And, even further, you’ll have dozens of different images—rather than ones that look nearly identical. Even with tons of advice at your disposal, it will still take some time to get things just the way you want them. This photo, rather than just cropping tightly on the flowers, also includes the railing behind them, a tree beyond that, and then a sunset and horizon. Knowing how to take good Instagram photos is a mixture of art and science. Light is one of the biggest photography factors. Kat Boogaard is a freelance writer, who writes for Sked Social about marketing strategy. Minimalism and neutrals are trendy, but sometimes you just crave a pop of color. Learn How to Take Good Instagram Photos. Tag locations, users and products and manage all your hashtags in one place to save 5+ hours every week. You might think this means that the sun needs to be blazing in order for you to leverage natural light for your photos. But, the end results? border: solid 4px; I usually style my products near a window so that my images are always nice and bright. You can brighten up a photo that’s too dark with editing tools, but there’s nothing that can fix a photo that’s overexposed. Are there other supplies you’ll need—such as backdrops for flat lay photos? 2. Using Instagram editing tools like vignette (dimming the edges of your photo) or tile shift (which creates a soft blur around your focal point) can enhance detail photos. For example, position your subject near a window. If you want to stay competitive, your photos need to warrant the attention of your followers. The photos above were taken with an iPhone. If you want to be depressed about the state of the world, go to Twitter. Try incorporating a cup of coffee or tea to make your photo … Research has found that people love looking at faces on Instagram (hello once again to Chris Hemsworth). If you want to give yourself even more options, you can buy an external lens that fits on to your phone. But, here are a few that are definitely worth checking out: If you don’t think that venturing outside of Instagram to edit your photos can make a difference? Insider Tip: If there’s an Instagram feed that you really admire, reach out to that person to ask if he or she is willing to share the details of what apps or settings are used to edit those photos. The rule of thirds is one of the most well-known composition principles, and refers to a simple method of balancing your image. What can you change? Instead, just tap your photo subject or focal point to focus the camera. You’ll have a good idea... 2. Don’t get so caught up in Instagram photo trends that you lose your creativity. A post shared by Valley Buds Flower Farm (@valleybudsflowerfarm). A post shared by scottcbakken (@scottcbakken). It’s hard to get a good shot under direct sunlight, which can be harsh in photos. On editing: Please, please do NOT over edit. It’s easy to focus solely on the subject of your photo, whether that’s a person or a handsome slice of pizza. Clouds diffuse the light from the sun and create a softer, more flattering effect. So, if you are planning on shooting outdoors, look for some different spots that have open shade. Rest assured, you can still use natural light to your advantage inside as well. Leaving space around the focal point of your photo can add more visual interest than zooming in. Instagram for Business 101 The more you engage your followers? As with anything, Instagram photography isn’t a skill that you’ll hone overnight. Instagram. Some Instagram accounts have even amassed huge followings by documenting beautiful patterns, like I Have This Thing With Floors. This is How to Take Good Photos for Instagram in 2020 1. We like when people like our photos. Still not convinced? So, you do your best to step up your game with your Instagram photos. On the contrary—there are plenty of options for adjusting things like exposure and focus using your phone’s camera. I often see this on some Instagram accounts and, to be honest, it makes me cringe. Look closely at the four photos above. From a single dashboard you can schedule and publish photos directly to Instagram, engage the audience, measure performance, and run all your other social media profiles. Tag locations, users and products and manage all your hashtags in one place to save 5+ hours every week. Download our Ebook to learn everything you need to know about leveraging Instagram! Map Out Your Aesthetic That diversity will empower you to truly choose the best of the best. A fun project for home iPhone photography is to shoot lots of items of the same color. What don’t you like? Quality. Turn off the Flash, Watch the Light. Resist this natural tendency if you want to take interesting, unexpected photos. One of the most important tips when learning how to take good Instagram photos is lighting. Neutral is generally minimal and best used for fashion, lifestyle and home brands. Maybe you’ve given up and are going with stock photos only from now on. It’s like a palate cleanser, offering a sense of stillness and calm. Water Drops Literally, the easiest way to take photos at home in terms of props but can be a little tricky. Thinking through those things ahead of time will help you not only take good Instagram photos but photos that actually contribute to your brand’s overall style and identity. .blue-alerts { Now that we’ve sufficiently scared you into thinking that you need to level-up your photography game, you’re probably wondering what’s next. The best images are made in good … }. Some things are true, even if we don’t really understand why. The important thing to remember is this: Instagram is a totally visual platform. So, ask yourself what makes the most sense for your brand’s voice and style. Unlike a camera with an adjustable lens, your phone camera “zooms in” by shrinking your field of view. Warm photos are generally travel bloggers, while cold photos can best be seen in nature or landscape photographers. color: #000000; 1. }. Photos should never look as though they’re going uphill or downhill. Capturing your subject in motion is tough, which is what makes it so impressive. establish a distinctive and memorable brand identity, posting engaging content boosts your visibility on Instagram, grainy, lackluster photos that damage your brand, photos with people get up to 38% more likes than photos without, schedule and publish photos directly to Instagram. Don’t Chase Likes. With all of this information under your belt, we’ll leave you with one last piece of advice: Don’t hesitate to step back your posting schedule just a little bit in order to leave yourself time to capture the best images. Understand light. 4 tip. And, the more visually appealing your photos are, the better they’ll engage your followers. and upload an image from your computer, Google/Drive, Dropbox, another Instagram URL or Canva. Best Compositions for Instagram Photos. How you can take good Instagram images on your cellphone Step A: Use Learn how to take good pictures for Instagram with natural light You’ll still get the benefits of natural light, without those pesky issues that come from direct sunlight. There’s no simpler change that will so drastically improve your photos than paying attention to your lighting. It would be fair to say this is the cheapest trick in the book. To start planning your grid, go to your Sked account’s dashboard and click on the Planner icon in the sidebar menu, like in the image below. Composition refers to the arrangement of a photo: the shapes, textures, colors and other elements that make up your images. Make sure you have the right sizes, for the right placements - even as those option expand.…, For Sked users, you’ll probably find that the app’s. A flash can flatten out your photo and wash out your subject. If you can’t shoot outdoors,  take photos near windows or in well-lit rooms. You can use it to apply a whole range of filters to your images, as well as text. Move the subject to better light. Take an artistic approach to your Instagram post. HI LOVES, today I filmed my most requested video, I show you HOW TO TAKE PROFESSIONAL INSTAGRAM PHOTOS AT HOME! I wrapped my Gorillapod and camera around this tree. This guide will show you exactly how to take Instagram photos and amaze your followers. border-color: #82c1e3; You just have to find some creative pictures to take at home that really make the most of your lighting situation, homemade meals, and colorful walls. This is a simple technique, but it works: take advantage of an awesome background! A post shared by Charlie & Lee (@charlieandlee). If you want a great looking Instagram account, you need to take great photos. You can use burst mode (by holding down your camera button) to capture 10 photos per second. font-size: 20px; Or is your subject peeking in at the edge of the frame? The best lighting for taking Instagram photos is natural lighting. If you’re an iPhone user, head to “Settings” and then “Camera”. Learning how to take incredible shots using only your phone is the best way to stand out and build a strong presence on Instagram. Review your posts and then proceed to the next screen to begin editing. But, if not? In fact, you’ll be surprised how easy it is to turn pictures (even those taken with your smartphone) into eye-catching Instagram grids with the Sked (formerly Schedugram) image editor and feed planner, once you have some basic photography knowledge. .alerts { Since a larger f/stop number, like f/8, lets in less light, you’ll need to counter that by using a slower shutter speed to allow more light through. Your best bet is to search for some tutorials and then do some playing around to figure out what adjustments and tools work for you best. Then, try something new—whether it’s a different angle, layout, pose, or something else entirely. Learning how to take good photos on your phone requires understanding some basic principles of composition and lighting, and honing your own instincts as a photographer. Make sure you’re uploading images that are sized for Instagram. As in this example, a gorgeous background can be the perfect complement to a product post. Your internal camera doesn’t have the same size constraints, so you’ll be able to take large, high-quality photos and edit them to suit your exact specifications later on. Use your phone’s internal camera. You can think of your Instagram grid as a mosaic—it’s composed of individual images, but will have the strongest impact if each of those images fit together and create a somewhat cohesive appearance or vibe. Here’s the truth: It’s tough to take beautiful Instagram photos on the fly. Try and shoot photos that tell a story about the person or place." Instagram has some great filters and editing tools already built in. Will you be shooting the great outdoors? Weekly tips that make you an Instagram genius? line-height: 1.5; Subscribe to our newsletter and get the latest social media news. Our universal love of patterns also explains the viral appeal of Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama’s mirror rooms, which create infinitely repeating patterns of simple shapes and colors: A post shared by USA TODAY Travel (@usatodaytravel). When a camera has a slow shutter, you can’t hand hold it or the subject will be blurry, so a tripod is your answer. With just a quick scroll through Instagram, you’ll see tons of gorgeous snapshots filling your feed. Instead of taking photos through Instagram itself, pull up your device’s dedicated photo app. Hey, you may never be a professional photographer, but you’ll sure look like one on Instagram. The secret to an excellent food photo? Our all-in-one Instagram scheduler allows you to automatically post images, carousels, Stories, videos and more. background: #d9edf7; There’s a reason photographers love golden hour. color: #000000; Each layer of the photo offers something to look at, drawing you in. Keep the pictures simple. Similarly, users on Instagram are there for beautiful, high-quality images—not lackluster snapshots with zero thought or quality. Here are some additional resources that can help you: Must-Read Tips for Taking Amazing iPhone Photos Never underestimate a good nature shot. This guide will show you exactly how to take Instagram photos and amaze your followers. Understandably, you’d like to achieve that very same thing for your own brand. When you’re walking around, train yourself to see the unexpected details. In this post, you’ll learn how to take good Instagram photos using only your phone, and some Instagram picture ideas to inspire your feed. Or, do interior shots make the most sense for your business? In this case, the flowers are arranged in the lower-right area of the photo, and are balanced by the sun in the top-left corner. Allow us to convince you. Shutter speed and f/stop are related. But, beyond the vanity, why are good Instagram photos important? It divides an image into a 3×3 grid, and aligns the subjects or objects in a photo along the grid lines to create balance. Well, these days phone photography is capable of some pretty impressive feats. However, direct sunlight can actually be difficult to work with—due to the various shadows and glares that it casts. With practice, you’ll learn how to frame them to produce stunning photos. It’s something that’s refined over time—after much experimenting and plenty of trial and error. Plus, unlike that bulky DSLR that you haul out for vacations, it’s always at hand. A post shared by demi adejuyigbe (@electrolemon). But if you have an adorable pup at your disposable (or, just putting this out into the universe, a miniature pony) it would be a mistake not to use them. One of the most recommended angles to take better pictures on Instagram is to take them looking up from down, low angle, then gently blur them. This is where Sked’s visual feed planner really come into its own. Keep an eye out for leading lines and use them to add motion or purpose to your photo. Wondering what makes so many Instagram photos look so amazingly great? Once you’ve got your grid right, just click on submit changes (see below) and you’re done! Do you need to purchase props to be included in photos? Start with a Plan. Getting those... 3. … It’s exactly what you went there for. Of course, you know that stepping up your game with your Instagram photos will lead to a far more appealing presence for your brand. It’s the reason you always want to take a selfie in a restaurant bathroom with killer wallpaper. Don’t take this to mean that you need all sorts of complicated lighting rigs and bulbs in order to capture a beautiful image—that couldn’t be further from the truth. Sure, your photos only show up one at a time in your followers’ feeds. .alerts { RELATED: Want to learn how to run your Instagram content calendar on autopilot? But, when they click... 2. Lighting is the foundation of a good photo. Instagram photos are better if there’s a cute animal in them. 11. As you can see from the video, my first step to taking great Instagram photos is to research on Instagram! Get full access and see how absolutely easy it is to rock your visual marketing plans from here on out! padding: 1em 1em 1.5em; This can all vary depending on which specific phone you have. That step alone will help you see a major difference in your results. Daring and adventurous? A compelling action shot is exciting and arresting. Once you’ve got your shots, it’s time to start thinking about how you can turn them into an attractive Instagram grid. However, there are plenty of other third-party apps (including Sked’s own inbuilt image editor) that you can utilize in order to learn how to take good Instagram photos—particularly if you aren’t able to do so using the options available only through Instagram. Review your posts and then proceed to the next screen to begin editing. How to Take Good Instagram Photos: Take a look at your 2020 guide to Instagram image sizes. The same is true of every other kind of photography. background: #d9edf7; In fact, plenty of the gorgeous photos that you’ve seen on Instagram have been shot with nothing more than just a phone. Symmetrical composition often enhances a subject that might not be exciting otherwise. They can even make a plain high-rise building look beautiful: A post shared by Zebraclub Vancouver (@zebraclubvan). Take note, because posting engaging content boosts your visibility on Instagram. Architecture, design and nature are all sources of mesmerizing patterns. And the grainy, blurry, low-quality photos they produced? How to take good Instagram photos on your phone Step 1: Use natural light. But, when they click through to your profile? Sometimes you get a surprising detail that makes the photo even better, like the moon high in the sky of this photo: A post shared by nicole wong 〰 (@tokyo_to). Will there be lots of shots of people? She's a compulsive organiser with a penchant for dogs and tacos – in that order. Step 2: Don’t overexpose your images. Some phones even include a portrait mode, which will optimize lighting and focus. Try it free today. No, you don’t need to be an expert photographer to land some quality snapshots. A post shared by Truvelle (@truvellebridal). Lighting is the foundation of a good photo. Sometimes a little blurred movement adds an artistic, dreamy touch: When taking action photos, take multiple options to increase your odds of an amazing shot. Look around yourself for inspiration. A post shared by Great White (@greatwhitevenice). Give those a read and you’ll be armed and ready with different hacks and tips to help you make the most of your phone’s camera. You don’t always need to strive for perfection either. Offline, she likes hefty magazines, public libraries, all-day breakfasts, and bike rides. Do you need to find willing models to participate? In fact, natural lighting is usually your best bet when it comes to photography. After all, you aren’t a photographer—perhaps that means you’ll just never achieve the types of photos that you’re aiming for. Now that you know how to take good Instagram photos, why not start carving out hours in your social media workflow by signing up for. Consistent posting is important. food_glooby. The more you’ll boost that post according to Instagram’s algorithm—which then increases your chances of appearing in more people’s feeds and even landing on the “Explore” page (which will widen your reach to others who don’t yet follow your account). We’ve pulled together eight key steps that will take your Instagram photos from shoddy to stunning. In photography, “leading lines” are lines that run through your image that draw the eye and add depth. Want more inspiration? Here’s a quick example of a photo that we edited using only the tools available in the A Color Story app. Don’t just snap a quick selfie and expect it to be awesome, put some thought into it. Here’s another way to think about it: When you walk into a high-end clothing boutique, you expect to find well-made (and likely expensive) clothing items. A post shared by Tidal Magazine (@tidalmag). Sure, your photos only show up one at a time in your followers’ feeds. That washed out look is created by too much light in the image. These might be roads, buildings, or natural elements like trees and waves. But, one of the best ways to capture solid images for your brand’s account is to take your time—particularly when you’re actually shooting photos and especially when you’re just getting acquainted with our ‘how to take good Instagram photos’ tips and tricks. Funny photos are a breath of fresh air for your audience, and they show that you don’t take this whole thing too seriously. This shot comes across more natural if it includes everyday objects. Now that you have the basics of your aesthetic ironed out, think of the groundwork that you’ll need to lay in order to achieve that look. Try our amped up all-in-one platform free for 7 days. Michelle Cyca is a writer, editor, and digital content strategist. It feels good. Keeping straight lines is also an important step in taking the perfect Instagram photo. Do you want something bold and colorful? Should you scout locations that will make your images pop? You just need to follow a few simple rules. While a great photo editing can app can cover a multitude of sins, nothing fixes a bad shot. You could then create a photo collage to display a whole array of images with a particular color scheme. Watch for glare coming from windows, artificial light sources and that big yellow thing in the sky. Pro tip: Turn on the gridlines for your phone camera in settings, and use them to practice aligning your photos. Lay a variety of objects flat on a surface and take the picture from overhead. Do you want your subject in the dead center? Instagram is a fantastic platform for sharing your photographs such as from your day to day life, or travels. Light from the side: Lighting from the side of your food is a great way to bring out the shadows and bright spots of certain food textures—such as bread, meat and cheese. Even at night, it’s preferable to find sources of ambient light, like street lamps and store windows. With just some simple steps, you can score some attention-grabbing snapshots—without a photography degree or tons of expensive equipment. border-color: #82c1e3; This can limit your options for editing later, and you might miss interesting details, so avoid doing it. "A good photo has a clear point of interest, whether that's a person in the foreground or a landscape with leading lines that draw the viewer's eye into the image. However, here are some things you’ll want to keep an eye on when shooting: Here’s another important thing to note: If it helps you, shoot all of your photos in “square” mode. That will help you at least start with a solid photo—which you can then polish up (more on that later!) But, you can also use a ring light if you just can’t get great natural lighting inside your home.. My apartment faces the east, so … Instagram for Business: The Definitive Guide for Brands and Agencies If you plan to use people in your images, who do you plan on photographing? Grab our ebook Instagram for Business to take your Instagram game up a notch! LOCATION: You want to make sure the background of your photo isn’t too busy.Finding a fun park, orchard or lake would be great for this. It shouldn’t be a jarring departure from the identity you’ve already fostered with your audience. The choices feel virtually limitless when it comes to editing apps and solutions. Especially in contrast to the perfectly composed and edited photos that proliferate on the platform. line-height: 1.5; Getting those jaw-dropping snapshots involves a little bit of luck, yes, but there’s also plenty of planning and preparation involved. You can use leading lines to direct the viewer’s gaze to your subject, as in this shot: A post shared by Daichi Sawada (@daiicii). Add layers to create interest. The more creative your background, the better. Do that, and you’re well on your way to leveling-up your Instagram game. If you’re shooting at midday, clouds are your friend. Even further, all of that time spent on experimentation with your photos will reveal what you do like and don’t like, as well as what’s working well and what isn’t. .blue-alerts { In effect, you are just pre-cropping your image. While a simple, minimalistic look is always en vogue, switch up your photos … Remember the first mobile phone cameras? To take a stunning portrait, follow the principles above: use natural light, choose an appealing background, and explore shooting from different angles to capture a more interesting shot. Lighting. } A post shared by LIZ (@really_really_lizzy). This will also help you establish a distinctive and memorable brand identity. What do they really accomplish for you? border: solid 4px; Wondering what makes so many Instagram photos look so amazingly great? A post shared by Kaia the Adventure Corgi (@whereskaia). Sure, we love posting pictures of ourselves when we go to cool places. Luckily, Sked gives users the ability to make unique edits in bulk to images and schedule them across Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and soon Twitter! However, keep in mind that you may not want to shoot directly in front of that light source, as that will likely create a silhouette. You need a water container from which water can drip slowly into a bowl, glass, cup, etc. However, those camera tricks, hacks, and features are really only going to take you so far. You’ll see a toggle for the “Grid Overlay.” Turn that on, and you’ll see a nine-square grid whenever you use your camera—which will help you easily use the rule of thirds to take awesome photos. When you take a photo on your phone, you probably hold it up around eye level and snap, right? A sharp focus on an unexpected or interesting detail can be attention-grabbing, especially in a feed full of busy, dynamic photos. For that reason, your first step—before even snapping another photo—should be to think through what you want your overall Instagram aesthetic should be. of those questions, take the time to get those things in order now. How can you improve the quality of your photos—ideally, relatively quickly? Are you wondering how to take good photos for Instagram? Since Instagram is a social network, it’s easy to fall into that “rapid fire” mentality that seems to pervade all social platforms. Instagram Dimensions: The Complete Guide for 2020. At least familiarize yourself with the above basics of what makes for a great photo. In order to achieve that Instagram-worthy quality, put the tips and advice we’ve covered here to good use. The best light is … It turns even an ordinary subject into something lovely: A post shared by stella blackmon (@stella.blackmon). Keep in mind that your Instagram aesthetic needs to complement the overall personality of your brand. Granted, this is tougher to do if you’re photographing something fleeting (such as wildlife, for example). Here are a few Instagram photography ideas to consider: Symmetry is pleasing to the eye, whether it appears in nature (Chris Hemsworth’s face) or the man-made world (the Royal Hawaiian Hotel). Not so fast. Before you dive into learning how to take good Instagram photos, it’s best to get acquainted with Sked’s Visual Planner. If you'd like to focus on selfies, take a look at … Another way to prevent overexposure is by tapping your finger on the brightest part of the frame (in the case above, it would be the windows) to adjust the lighting before snapping your photo. Well, they always end up grainy, unfocused, and dark—your photos are nothing like the sharp and vivid images you know you need in order to make your account stand out.

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