I would be very interested if there are any placement programs set to help extension students with their career. Getting into the Extension School is easier than getting into the regular AB, MBA, etc. Why isn’t the question “Why SHOULD extension be listed?” What value does it add to a resume? In order to earn a certificate, new students must take five classes. Reality: Although Mark’s defense was a noble one, he never admitted to attending HES. Some of the schools are more “prestigious” than others but they are all Columbia University schools and all Columbia University degrees. I, too am currently an extension student. You sit in the same classrooms as “regular” Harvard students and you put in the same time. Those who aren’t happy with that should apply to “regular” Harvard University programs. There are 4 people listed here: One fact that is always interestingly missing from these discussions is that for whatever reason in many systems, the university even labels GSAS students as Harvard University where other students are labeled with the College or specific school. Similarly, since GSAS sits under the same faculty as “The College”, it is not a separate faculty like the other schools. The experience has been phenomenal. Not because HES is better or I am smarter, it’s just that they have spent 5-8 years in school afger their undergrad and I have been building a successful career during that time. I retired from the CIA after 25 years. Did you know that you could earn a certificate from Harvard, Stanford, or Cornell without leaving your house and without having to meet rigorous enrollment requirements?Several prestigious schools offer open-enrollment distance learning certificate programs targeted to working professionals that don't have time for lengthy residencies. So what keeps the low-quality and mid-quality students out? Very helpful. Should damages be awarded to all Harvard College grads all the way back to 1910, which was the year HES was created? You are welcome to disagree with me, but please don’t ask me to stop sharing my opinions or republishing facts that are often listed right on the Extension School website. Based on their outcomes and how many students make it through their programs, I would say that HES is every bit as rigorous and difficult to get through as other Harvard University schools. online education will beat the tradition education by quantity and cost-effectiveness. It’s absurd to claim that latter practice is deceitful or misleading in any way. The prices for the Xseries programs vary, but the average is between $100 and $450. (Apparently there is an M.A. 90% fail to live up to the hype. Reading quite a bit about the trend of extension and online education, I’ve noticed that the institutions are more interested in generating revenue than educating students. Many students already have graduate degrees and want to deepen their expertise. If DCE was to become its own independent school’s, they would be able to have somewhat more freedom to modernize the name. There is a great deal of money to be made running Harvard College (endowment $40 billionish and rising). This makes more sense. These data would go a long way to validate the (equal?) Don’t blame the past, present, and potential online students. My ALM degree in government proved extremely useful in getting an entry-level position as a CIA analyst. Even if you think it will not add much value to your resume, you should go for the certificate if you can. The Harvard college degree demonstrates that at the time of admission you were one of the top students in the nation, and that correlates well with many other desirable attributes. Many, if not most would never matriculate. I would have no problem putting on a resume that I earned an MA in such and such from Harvard University Extension. so, yes, I shared your concerns. There is no comparison. You are so wrong it isn’t even funny. There’s no such thing as too much education. And none of these other options give you a degree in “Extension Studies”, but instead you can earn actual degrees in computer science, analytics, data science, systems engineering, bioinformatics, and more. Seriously. That the real point. Your certificate will display details such as your legal name, the date, the course name, provider, and university. I haven’t made a final decision, but I must say that Harvard’s teaming me up with an admissions counselor right out of the gate is very impressive. Because these are two VERY different thinks. (I didn’t attend HES but am looking into a certificate program.) Try to list “software engineering” as your major on a job application and you might run into the headache of having to explain why the company’s background check showed you as an “extension studies” major. And what a bad vision to give more credit for teenager who got the luck to understand how to handle the life vs adult who are taking charge of their life after understand some mistakes they did. It’s never too early to think about how to specialize and future-proof your skills. from Harvard University to state on their resume, “Oh, by the way, I went to the Ed School, which might not be quite up to snuff or has different standards in some ways from GSAS.” I have a friend with an Ed.D. Ida College in Newton last year. The online class will be better than IRL. Simply call it ALM in an appropriate field or concentration will suffice. The only difference is the HES students can only participate in night classes. Online education allows anyone, anywhere learn from the world’s best educational institutions. This has caused far enough ruckus and confusion. Although I agree that the student has expended a great deal of time, effort, and money, his or her extension degree can never have the same value as the on campus earned degree, gotten with not only effort, but the connections required for traditional admission. They do have standards when it comes to grammar and writing. People with elitist attitudes have a real problem with Harvard keeping up with but times and offering live online studies. I will follow the published guidelines for documenting my achievement. And frankly, they change their guidelines so often that they have sort of made it impossible to follow. Online learning in higher ed has been a game changer. The issue is that Harvard University is synonymous with Harvard College. It’s Harvard’s education that matters, not high-school SAT results. Bachelor [or Master] of Liberal Arts, Harvard University Extension School. Does Harvard BLA is better than london university…. The professional graduate certificate in project management requires four courses, or 16 credits. Of course not, because no other school at Harvard University other than the Law School grants a JD. Complete 16 certificate credits at the graduate level. No one on either side of the debate is claiming that HES students are frauds. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Harvard_University_people. Certificate courses. Individuals with academic or professional reasons for pursuing graduate-level study without entering a degree program may apply for special student status and engage in coursework or a combination of coursework and research for academic credit, for one term or one year only. My ALM degree has opened up a lot of doors in academia for me that I would not have had access to otherwise. I see now it’s not as clear as I had intended. I am taking the same exam as the Harvard Students. But to be fair, even you misuse “college” when you make a comparison between a Law School ( a graduate level professional school) and “any other college of Harvard University.” Harvard University only has one college. How come people are still having the same arguments? On a related note, I find this is only a controversy at Harvard. This gives students who are ready to pursue graduate-level studies the chance to take a deep dive into an area that interests them or can further their career. Plus, Columbia’s degree offerings are in recognizable and distinct majors, which is better than HES’ non-descriptive extension studies major. I mean do people actually care if you have an online course certificate? I think it goes without saying that there are many graduates of Harvard Extension who are as deserving of accolades for their achievement as the “day school” graduate garners – but the potential for a given graduate of HES being “marginal” (for lack of a better term) relative to the Harvard College graduate is absolutely a consideration some employment recruiters are bound to contemplate. That being said, I think HES is a nice option for Harvard employees who get to take classes as one of their benefits. You are totally missing the issue as it relates to Master’s degrees though. Thank for rewrote the phrase, I really appreciate it. Students should present their degree honestly and the way they want to based on their experience, perspective, and perception of value. And I am pretty sure that Oxford itself would quell any discussion and doubt itself right from the outset not to let its reputation slip into miscredit. Successfully completing a program takes hard work and determination. However, neither of these two examples speak to the actual ambiguous case you claim to address in this post (and others), i.e., someone just omitting the name of the school on a resume and only stating the degree (as most people would do for any other of Harvard’s schools). Folks who look at my resume would be comparing the classes I took and got As and Bs in and say, “Wow, Harvard at night; “The Gates Unbarred” kind of stuff. 3) HES is no longer required the student to list the Extention or ALM on their resume: HES website used to say that “MA in Anthropology” is “NOT ACCEPTABLE”, but now they said that you “MAY BE” listed it as ——, IMHO, this is a signal that online education had gained more acceptance at the table. My only goal with pursuing a degree from the Harvard School of Extension Studies is to show people that there is hope for something better: even if better just means earning a certificate or diploma from a rural community college. The Extension School was established in 1910. The quality of the work you do matters (e.g., your thesis), as well as the weight of an endorsement or recommendation from a well-known Harvard faculty member. I school can’t tell you how to list your degree as long as you don’t lie about. Thanks for posting this Leonard. The only answer I can think of is, It is what is it. Also, you are admitted first then prove yourself academically. If a person reviewing resumes is worried about the listing on a resume instead of the expertise and knowledge gained in the program then who cares? It is still an accredited MA degree ( According to the Harvard extension website it is called a Masters of Liberal Liberal Arts, English ). Also the rigour is the same. HES provides very little institutional aid (relative to similar part-time programs at other schools you wouldn’t be totally wrong to say they offer virtually none), yet have many millionaires as graduates. If you’d like to list “Extension School” on your resume, by all means, do so. in Computer Science. Having a degree in actual fields like “computer science”, “management”, or “data science” can be far more compelling on a resume than listing “extension studies”. Lastly, let me be very clear that I take this stance as someone very knowledgeable about the Harvard system and the relative quality of its graduates. just do the selection and leave. Had to explain that I did attend a medical course and conference as it was so noted on my CV as HMS, CME (Continuing Medical Education) and concentration. They are absolutely meaningless degrees in most programs that have an ultimate Ph.D. You just get one “along the way” after completing most coursework, if you bother to apply for one. Free online certification courses and training programs ranging from Project Management, Data Science, Computer Science to even TOEFL preparation courses among language courses like that around Mandarin are present. I am still able to travel the world and work while obtaining my degree. Thank you for the response. It is also true that the program is through the department of continuing education or the extension school. I had Harvard College, Kennedy, Design and HBS students in my classes. However, SPS offers Master of Science degrees in actual distinct majors such as Actuarial Science, Applied Analytics, Bioethics, Technology Management, and more (17 majors in total). It’s actually better and it because of many point. So, how are they lying? This is an amazing response. The time and financial investment needed to earn a master’s degree is often much higher than that of a graduate certificate, simply due to the scope of the coursework. I know how rigorous my own HES experience has been, and, given that, I am confident that there are employers who realize as much, irrespective of how an HES degree “stacks up” against one from a different Harvard school. Appreciate this platform for HES grads to share their experiences and perspectives. Only then can we have a comfortable seat at the table instead of sitting on the floor. Wherever you end up, good luck with your studies. Other Universities, who have kept up with the times I might add, and have a School of Professional Studies, for example, don’t go ape shit, or even discuss, whether their graduates of these programs list school of professional studies or just XYZ University. Besides HES is more relevant in a pandemic situation! the best in the blog! Knowing that it would lose income, Harvard perpetuates the fraud of its own creation. Once again, thank you for this post! AND IT’S GREAT – I can’t think of a better use of time and money! Whichever path you choose, make sure it helps you move forward professionally or personally. The appropriate place in most cases to address this (if it is even an issue) would be in a job interview if the prospective employer has a question about your degree. -You can test the learner many times This is a travesty, an insult, to all those who applied and were accepted to Harvard College proper. of State on several occasions and I served in Cyprus, Israel and Lebanon. Self-paced programs (with deadlines) are offered on the HBS Online course platform. Why is there one standard for HES alumni and then another one for the other Harvard schools alumni? Coursera and edX certificates also feature a verification code. At Harvard, courses cost anywhere from $4,500 for a three-day programme to $80,000 for eight weeks and they … To my knowledge, this omission has never closed any doors. My point is that here in the UK a discussion of the kind around the HES is totally absent and no one would even dare to doubt any Oxford degree regardless whether it was obtained at the age of 21 or 61. 11 minute read, Written By: People in both camps often find what they need in a graduate certificate. “If enough people do so and do as well in their careers as they did while at HES, the reputation of the Harvard Extension School will grow”. You have my infinite thanks for your comment. For example, suppose you are taking a program having five individual courses. But look at someone who has a “Master of Arts” from Harvard in some field (with no Ph.D.), and THAT should be a serious resume flag. Recommended Reading: 6 Ways to Add Value to Your Organization & Advance Your Career. I love sitting in the Starbucks overlooking Harvard Square. !function(e,t,s,i){var n="InfogramEmbeds",o=e.getElementsByTagName("script")[0],d=/^http:/.test(e.location)? My degree has the signature of the President of Harvard University, the Dean of HES, and the Dean of FAS. Graduate Certificates vs. Master’s Degrees. So does the above logic also imply that Harvard need not really take teaching law seriously? > Harvard appears to be quite passive about the controversy and is not taking ownership of the discussion whatsoever. Or you might want to build expertise in fields that will be less affected by technological advances. You have to first know what you’re looking to gain to know whether or not it’s worth it, and you have to be discerning in your selection of certification programs. Each one consists of several courses. Looks like elitism to me. Harvard Extension School strictly awards just the Bachelors and Masters of Liberal Arts in Extension Studies. Learn about the market for graduate certificates, and discover the differences between a certificate and degree. It’s not realistic to think that you can go get a certificate and immediately demand more money. Harvard Free Online Course: Harvard University Offers 67+ Free Online Courses in Different Domains for All the Students and Industry Professionals Across the Globe.This free Online Courses of Harvard University are totally free for everyone across the world with free certification. The Extension School does have a career services office and some activities such as job fairs, but I don’t know how effective they are. (Updated), Response to “Before coronavirus, Newton development was booming. I don’t know what to advise about resumes, but I know I wear the HES t-shirt. While I personally would view HES as a positive, it could also be a liability depending on who is looking. MIT. Learn more today. Astounding that such U of Chicago student could present either so clearly absent minded or at best misinformed as what defines university life. Ultimately, if a student isn’t clear about his/her degree being from HES, it is never an oversight and it is always an intentional act of deception. But there are more than a few managers out there who have been burned by HES grads misrepresenting their degrees: As somebody who has personally on-boarded somebody claiming an HES degree as a HGSAS degree, I can tell you that this is pure bullwack. What I’m getting at is the second example in my opinion should work fine on a resume. Plus, since Corona has caused a massive shift towards online across pretty much every sector the perception of a partly online-taught degree has changed. | Generally speaking, the liberal arts and science classes are more likely to have Harvard faculty, including tenured professors. That particular person is nobody…means nothing in the big picture. How to Apply for Harvard Free Online Courses With Certificate. True, an HES graduate degree is not the same as a GSAS graduate degree in the same way that a GSAS graduate degree is not the same as an HSG graduate degree, which is not the same as an HMS graduate degree, itself not the same as an HDS degree and so on. Additionally, many of our liberal arts students earn a certificate to prepare for further studies or to enrich themselves personally. Then I guess you have a better brand that doing a regional school and a good MBA. Getting a certificate for a program. You can read more at Harvard Extension School résumé guidelines are bogus. Spouses of ealth Harvard Alum who have the time and desire the affiliation (Ann Romney, wife of Mitt Romney). How Harvard Business School's HBX Is Different From Other Online Programs; ... Desai says, adds a lot of value to the certificate, which already has the Harvard brand name on it. Well Wikipedia includes Extension degree holders as from Harvard University. Justin – glad to hear that you’re continuing to pursue your goals. What I find most interesting about this is that both the university, FAS, and GSAS student themselves often list the PhD, Harvard University or AM, Harvard University without putting GSAS and there is no controversy around that. That is apparently NOT someone who just wrote “Harvard University, Master of Liberal Arts with Concentration in X,” which would be a truthful and accurate statement. Someone claimed to have a Harvard GSAS degree! What a crock of bull. A lot of people do not make it clear that they attended the Extension School, and instead list “Harvard University” on their resumes, either in a misguided justification to hide the Extension School affiliation, or an outright misleading attempt to make it seem as if they graduated from Harvard College, the Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (GSAS), or the Harvard Business School. I found out that the Extension has been more than 100 years since 1910. This country’s higher educational establishment faces a demographic cliff by 2025 as the number of college-aged children drops (following the decline in births after the 2008 recession). But do remember that the degree name is “Master of Liberal Arts in Extension Studies”. I’m a 31 year old husband and father of two, currently active duty military, who always had the brains but never the funds to pursue an education at this level- but now I do, with the GI Bill, and reading this really motivated me for the program I’m about to start in June. Your point is right, though I would offer that traditional admission processes—while widely used—are no longer the only process, even among elite universities. I would bet that simply having harvard on the resume does move the needle a bit, even when the extension is clearly spelled out. Blame Harvard. I feel a lot of the comments on this issue are skirting (avoiding) answering the direct question…is the degree from Harvard Extension comparable to the one from Harvard College, both in regards to academic rigor and cache carried? Our platform features short, highly produced videos of HBS faculty and guest business experts, interactive graphs and exercises, cold calls to keep you engaged, and opportunities to contribute to a vibrant online community. Good luck if you make it past the admission courses. For the other point, Harvard is not an HR pre-filter. That is a fact. The Harvard Extension Enrollment Services team is here to help students decide the best track for them. -There is nobody to distract the learner and the feeling between teacher, other people and the learner did not change the experience of the learner. 10 Certificate Programs That Pay Well More If college isn't practical or an option for you, that doesn't mean you can't find a well-paying career or that you shouldn't try to further your education. The program and faculty is very strong, and when I did the class there were opportunities to get published in respected literary journals. That isn’t the debate here. In the real world, extension school graduates attempt to trick hiring managers all the time, and succeed enough that this is quite possibly a successful strategy. Those classes are then applied toward the applicant’s graduate degree. I have an Ed.D from the University of Illinois. Quoting one of the senior HES administrators, Suzanne Spreadbury, of the Harvard Extension School: “ALB graduates have accepted to all top research universities in the United States. You are totally fine. Listed below are 5 points which will help you to determine edX worthiness. Many will probably catch up and out pace me and many wont. HES alumni will continue to “hide” their true affiliation on their LinkedIn profile and in casual conversations. Simple, the latter has shown they can complete a course of study, are working to better themselves and have decided to take on a great amount of additional responsibility. Regarding the degree name/resume guidelines: Yes, this has been hashed over quite a bit already. Is it worth it? A program certificate can only be earned when you have received all the verified certificates for each course in the program. Thanks for trying though. both in the name of the school and for your major. Required fields are marked *. Once they saw my experience and activities they were drooling. A lot of state schools are every bit as expensive as HES. It’s a helpful statistic, but it’s not comparable with an “admissions rate” as it is generally understood for colleges and universities. The negative perception of the Extension School has been, unfortunately, widely known for quite some time. For those people who are those “life-long learners” who just love to take classes, I think HES is a great option. No, they are not. In my opinion, it reflects poorly on the University to require this delineation. Now it’s VR and “live” classroom techs which have their own problems (see “VR is in a tailspin, and the sales numbers prove it“) . But it is possible that reviewer might take the “that’s not really Harvard” viewpoint. I agree that online course is not the same that presencial course.

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