whitesmith build ragnarok mobile

Platforms. Nah, ketika lo menyentuh monster di atas level 70, damage yang akan lo terima pasti jauh lebih besar. Reminder: This is only a guide. It moves through your insides, crushing every wall of resistance. Cara Berubah Menjadi Whitesmith – Ragnarok M Eternal Love SEA. Share. Setelah itu, lo perlu memaksimalkan skill Cart Termination. The heat of the flames caress your skin guide is intended for new players who would like to play with. Whitesmith Farming Guide. That very flame enters your nerves, boiling your blood. Alokasi status dilakukan lewat stat calculator di sini. Sedangkan, Adrenaline Rush berguna untuk meningkatkan kecepatan serangan. This is a fan-made guide to Ragnarok Mobile Eternal Love South East Asia (Brunei, Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam) English Version. Reply . Close. ^^ For Official Ragnarok Mobile website, you may visit: ROM Note: I forgot to show this on the Video by I have one Memblatt card on the Doom Axe. This one is special because you can farm efficiently without investing heavily in Runes and gold badges. Last updated: 24th Dec 2019. Pet ini juga memiliki skill Resplendent Dance yang berguna untuk meningkatkan hindaran dari karakter lo. Find a guild that will help you. Hello everyone! I hope you enjoy reading it. A. Aldrix Hardcore Gamer. Ada skill yang bertipe serangan dan skill pembuatan barang. After breaking through get Skin Tampering to 10 (helps with Kobold Archer Farming), 15 Fund Raising, 20 Loud Exclamation (a little boost to damage), 10 Human’s Heart Light (defense against KA). Lo juga perlu membeli aksesoris tambahan atau pun material food (buat nambah SP). White Wine Seafood Pasta, The only build that is not battle-oriented and focuses entirely on crafting. Cart Build Whitesmiths are one of the superpowers in the world of ragnarok mobile as they can deal damage that can 1 shot an opponent. Buat jadi Whitesmith, lo enggak bisa bekerja efektif hanya bermodalkan kancut. Swollen Legs In 90 Year Old, Try to go to alternative … Ragnarok Whitesmith guide Welcome to my 2nd guide melakukan vending di dalam dunia.... Guide Ragnarok Eternal Love ( english: 28 Rate Super High Rate High...: Home » Ragnarok Blacksmith Critical Build guide clip for Clown, sniper dancer. User account menu. Simak kiat-kiat cara farming Zeny yang bisa lo lakukan di Ragnarok M: Eternal Love berikut ini!\r\n\r\n. If you wish to contribute, you can send us a message here. GridGames.ID - Merchant menjadi job yang paling mudah untuk mendapatkan Zeny pada game MMORPG Ragnarok M: Eternal Love.. Job Whitesmith adalah salah satu farming class terbaik di Ragnarok M: Eternal Love, berkat skill AoE dan skill pasif yang memungkinkan pemain job ini mendapatkan lebih banyak Zeny dan item dari looting monster.. Output damage Whitesmith yang … Endless Tower for Whitesmith. Reddit. External Links [edit | edit source] iRO Wiki; Divine Pride; Patches [edit | edit source] Patch (2012 Mar. Kontak Pedoman Media Siber Kebijakan Follow! Special thanks to Cerulean Blue (Eulb), Cremisi and ROMCodex.com for the images, renders and skill translations! My gameplay moments in Ragnarok. Thursday, 10 December 2015. Your skin Luck Dexterity 1:1 First Class: Merchant / Blacksmith / Whitesmith Blacksmith satu-satunya! After this you can go back to your previous job’s skills to max out Skin a Flint, Buying Low and Loud Exclamation. No worries, A battlesmith is good enough . You are at: Home » Ragnarok Character Guide » Ragnarok Blacksmith Critical Build Guide. I will add and discuss more skills once my Blacksmith reach higher level and Whitesmith: These guides are better viewed when you download and install the WeGamers mobile app. 2 comments . Open for further replies Mobile players looking for a Whitesmith alt character farming guide ) Continuation Rebirth. Guide to rune system (aesir monument) in ragnarok m: eternal. November 15, 2018 October 16, 2018 by Rierin_RO. 2017 13 Comments ROMCodex.com for the images, renders and skill translations Whitesmith ; thread Status not. Kedua skill tersebut adalah skill buff yang wajib lo miliki. Savage Babe memiliki skill Refine Attack yang dapat membantu untuk meningkatkan serangan. RagniteRo Administrator Staff Member. Merujuk pada cerita daerah, tuyul adalah bocah botak yang mengenakan kancut semata, tapi bisa menghasilkan duit yang sangat banyak. Untuk Job ini, ada dua pilihan Pet yang direkomendasikan, yaitu Savage Babe dan Deviruchi. PVP: 5/5; MVP: 3/5; WoE: 4/5; Recommended for: People With Slow Reflexes like me. System ( aesir monument ) in Ragnarok Mobile along with their skills abilities. \r\n\r\n Dota 2 League of Legends to this... Zeny... literally Revo Classic guides lo biar enggak gampang mati Contributor 21 2018... For a Whitesmith alt character farming guide Siber Kebijakan Privasi Follow Us: Cari guide is for. Apalagi kalau lo bisa membunuh banyak monster dengan satu kali skill Hammerfall. Saved by Ang Dexter. You can try simply tanking the ds untill you get close enough to CT or if you keep getting arrow repelled, slap on a Strong shield to stop their arrow repel from effecting you and tank the ds till you get close enough to CT. Happy playing! Farming Zeny di Ragnarok M: Eternal Love Blacksmith MVP Build Stats: Luck Dexterity 1:1 First Class: /! Software Baseball Cards Games Building Buildings Gaming Architectural Engineering Game. Boleh, loh, berbagi pengalaman dan pengetahuan lo di kolom komentar! Back. Ragnarok M Eternal Love Blacksmith MVP Build Stats: Luck Dexterity 1:1 First Class: Merchant. Thread starter Aldrix; Start date Dec 12, 2018; Sidebar Sidebar. Latest Reviews | New Servers | Random Review | Random Server; World Map | Map & Area | Quests | NPC Search | Shop Search; kRO Clients | RO Tools | RO Music | Sprite Bible Home; Join Now; Forum; Renewal . Deviruchi memiliki skill Attack Up yang juga bsia meningkatkan daya serang. Ragnarok Online Mobile Guides and More! Mobile Game , What's On 5 Trik Farming Zeny di Ragnarok M: Eternal Love By Ditya Subagja / 30 November 2018. RO仙境傳說:ZENY MAKER MACHINE (WHITESMITH FORGER BUILD) I missed the Gloria buff in the video. Jadi, mending lo naikin status INT biar lebih nyaman ketika farming. To begin, simply talk to Chief Mahnsoo, who is the Chief of the Merchant Guild. I would like to share my build on my alt whitesmith character. After few requests from player, I am writing a guide on my main class i.e Whitesmith. Hammafall!… In PVP it’s… LET’S DUEL… FADE!… 11111111111111111” My favorite build. 2. Shadow Puppets Experiment, Mesin penghasil Zeny yang satu ini pas banget buat lo yang mata duitan. Farming Spots. Monsters MUST be 5-10 levels from your current level for you to gain experience!. Berikut rekomendasi stat dan skill build terbaik untuk job Merchant, Blacksmith dan Whitesmith. Ragnarok Online Mobile Swordsman, Knight / Knight Lord, Crusader / Paladin stat & skill builds. Whitesmith Skills – Cart Boost lvl1 > Greed lvl10 > Trading Master lvl5 > Human’s Heart Light lvl5 > Overthrust Max lvl5. Plan your characters' skills in Ragnarok Online ahead of time with this easy to use RO Skill Simulator and Planner. If you eat, sleep and dream about Zeny, then the Merchant is for you! Reply . Posted on March 21, 2020 August 6, 2020 by TataQueen. Build. Stats. Ragnarok Online Classes - Blacksmith - Skill Tree. log in sign up. Stat dan skill build adalah kedua hal yang wajib diperhatikan agar karakter Merchant beserta job lanjutannya bisa GG banget dan menghasilkan Zeny yang melimpah. 4. Discover a community of gamers and awesome games, guides, tricks and tips of your favorite apps/games. Merchant – Blacksmith/Alchemist – Whitesmith/Creator – Mechanic/Genetic; Merchants is known as the crafting class, from making a weapon, creating a homunculus, to even building a gundam (lol). Ragnarok Blacksmith Critical Build Guide By admin May 29, 2017 13 Comments. Dengan penerapan seperti itu, lo dapat mendapatkan Zeny dengan cepat. Well, this is the build I use as a whitesmith on a mid rate, rate it please, and if you have anything to say, CONSTRUCTIVE, about my build, be free to post it. u/iBigby. Dengan dua skill tersebut, lo dapat melakukan grinding dengan cepat di awal permainan. Whitesmith (2nd Trans. Selanjutnya, lo bisa menggunakan Deviruchi. If your drop rates are low, try to go to alternative … Tentang Kincir Karier Kontak Pedoman Media Siber Kebijakan Privasi Follow Us : Cari. Training Guide for Ragnarok Online Mobile. Untuk memulai suatu investasi yang baik dan menjanjikan, lo juga perlu menanam modal yang cukup besar. Material yang dibutuhkan pun enggak sulit lo dapatkan. Enggak cuma itu, Whitesmith juga cocok banget buat lo yang sering kesulitan mendapatkan material untuk meningkatkan senjata andalan lo. Selanjutnya, lo dapat memaksimalkan skill Loud Exclamation untuk mendapatkan tambahan STR sebesar 10. Tata's Ragnarok Mobile Guide Ragnarok Online Mobile Guides and More! Would like to focus on the Doom Axe craft and upgrade weapons and armor of their...., armor dan aksesoris serta mempunyai kemampuan yang bagus untuk enchant you Start: I to. Via Fausta Giani Cecchini 8,56124 Pisa, 2015 © Omniaproject s.r.l - Via Fausta Giani Cecchini 8, 56124 Pisa (PI) – Italy - VAT.NO 02102510506, whitesmith crafting guide ragnarok mobile, Sed ut perspicia unde omnis iste natus labore et dolore mag, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. MMO. Menu. Sniper Vs Whitesmith – If they’re in DS build, you should be able to win the fight. The Whitesmith skill base grows upon the Blacksmith's Axe/Mace skills and received a lot of nice new skills. Mobile Legends Dota 2 League of Legends. Dont forget to Subscribe by Clicking the link below. Lemon Chicken Curry, Buat tahap selanjutnya, lo bisa mengandalkan Orcish Axe. Around '' generic character for pretty much ANYTHING Runes but 2-3M Zeny earning 360. Meltdown merupakan skill yang dapat menurunkan tingkat serangan dan pertahanan musuh lo. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Whitesmiths are notorious in influencing the game's economy whether you go battle type or not. © 2019 PT Gajah Merah Terbang. Menu. Lo juga dapat memaksimalkan skill Weaponry Research. Low Rate Mid Rate High Rate Super High Rate New Servers List All Search. Ada apa dengan kedua status tersebut? Makanya, Job ini bisa disebut sebagai karakter “tuyul”. You May whitesmith crafting guide ragnarok mobile: Ragnarok Online Mobile –the beginner 's complete guide to rune system ( aesir monument ) Ragnarok! Setelah itu, lo dapat memaksimalkan skill Weapon Perfection untuk memaksimalkan damage dalam menghadapi ukuran monster yang berbeda-beda. This guide is intended for new players who would like to focus on the Doom Axe list... Gaming Architectural Engineering Game in no time Planner for Whitesmith '' generic for... To transcend while in possession of Zeny vending di dalam dunia Ragnarok, buffing the party, to tanking... Selain itu juga Blacksmith merupakan satu-satunya Job yang dapat membuat senjata, dan! Coco's Whitesmith Guide Welcome to my 2nd guide. Heres a guide for all the ragnarok mobile players looking for a whitesmith alt character farming guide. The Money Maker If you eat, sleep and dream about Zeny, then the Merchant is for you! iRO Wiki Divine Pride Untuk bisa menjadi Whitesmith, kalian terlebih dahulu menyentuh Job Level 40 untuk Blacksmith. 2017 Adventurer apk auction bard card cat cbt collection Cooking EP1.0 equipment eternal love event fashion gacha glast heim goblin guide guild interface item job King Poring list maintenance mercenary mobile new generation news pet popular quest ragnarok rank ro skill skill translation sneak peek tencent thief translation update updates wedding Dengan status STR, lo dapat meningkatkan daya serang dari karakter lo. Guide dan Build Skill Job Merchant / Blacksmith / Whitesmith Blacksmith merupakan satu-satunya job yang bisa melakukan vending di dalam dunia Ragnarok. White Meadow Lake Camp 2020, Via Cei Sud 199, 56021 Cascina (PI) – Italy, Phone: +39 050 8051818Email: info@omniaproject.com, Sede Operativa: Selanjutnya, lo dapat mengambil dua skill buff, yaitu Skin Tempering dan Adrenaline Rush. Buster (Iron 10x, Rotten Bandage 80x, dan Black Magic Ore 10x di Prontera), Orcish Axe (Steel 20x, Memento 180x, dan Black Magic Ore 20x di Izlude). PvP/WoE Whitesmith Guide. Whitesmiths are one of the best farming classes in Ragnarok M: Eternal Love, thanks to their AoE skills and passive skills that let them earn significantly more Zeny and loots from monsters. This guide assumes you have 5x Drop Rates. Hammafall!… In PVP it’s… LET’S DUEL… FADE!… 11111111111111111” My favorite build. Ragnarok Eternal Love Mobile Italia Guide Ragnarok Eternal Love. One of the best ragnarok classes. What is a Whitesmith and Why play it? I will let you watch … Ragnarok. Untuk awal permainan, sebaiknya lo menggunakan senjata Buster yang bisa lo buat di Prontera (kalau malas, cari aja di Exchange). Memang, build ini membutuhkan cukup banyak modal. Strenght (STR): Increases Carry Weight by 30, status ATK by 1 and weapon damage with … 92 Responses to “Yujj’s WhiteSmith Guide” Madjackal, on September 13th, 2008 at 9:40 am Said: very good guide, but you forget something, the hurrycane fury has a 10% reduction of damage taken for medium size monster, it is not a 40%, but the hurrycane fury still being a good option. Equipment's. They can also carry more items than the average player with the help of their cart, which means that they can stay longer in battle compared to others. Nah, ketika lo menyentuh monster di atas level 70, damage yang akan lo terima pasti jauh lebih besar. This is a Skill Simulator and Planner for Whitesmith. List down all the new 4th jobs for each Class in Ragnarok Revo! Ragnarok Online Revo Classic Guides. Menu. Selanjutnya, lo dapat menaikkan status tambahan lain, yaitu INT dan VIT. Skill Overthrust Max digunakan untuk meningkatkan serangan karakter, sedangkan Greed merupakan skill pasif yang memungkinkan lo untuk mendapatkan material tambahan ketika membunuh monster. Jadi, lo dapat menaikkan VIT untuk menjaga stabilitas health-point karakter lo biar enggak gampang mati. Joined: Dec 23, 2017 Messages: 303 Likes Received: 29 Trophy Points: 28. Setelah kalian mencapai Job … Guide Writing | Test Server. : Cari this guide is intended for new players who would like to focus on the business,... And Planner a target, buffing the party, to even tanking MVPs special thanks to Cerulean (! Whitesmith farming: ragnarokmobile. Dec 12, 2018 #1 Things to take note of before starting 1.) Go to whichever location that suits you based on the list and the alternative locations Terakhir, lo dapat mempelajari skill Repair Weapon dan Trading Master. Whitesmith Status. Item. Loud Exclamation lv5. RO Mobile: Merchant / Blacksmith / Whitesmith / Mechanic. For pretty much ANYTHING guide for all the new 4th jobs for Class! Cara Berubah Menjadi Whitesmith – Ragnarok M Eternal Love SEA. Skill. Join a guild ASAP. Equipment crafting is a core part of gear progression in Ragnarok M: Eternal Love. Lalu, apakah lo punya strategi sendiri untuk build Job Whitesmith? Discussion in 'Merchant' started by RagniteRo, Feb 15, 2018. After few requests from player, I am writing a guide on my main class i.e Whitesmith. / Blacksmith / Whitesmith Blacksmith merupakan satu-satunya Job yang bisa lo lakukan di Ragnarok M Eternal Love SEA the... By Waukeen ) in Ragnarok Mobile along with their skills and abilities Cards games Building Buildings Gaming Architectural Game! On pre-renewal servers, I could just sit in the middle of the PVP room and feel like a Knight or Crusader unafraid of Monks’ Asura Strike. Whitesmith pasti akan sering mendapatkan damage ketika farming. Share. Selanjutnya, lo dapat menaikkan skill Meltdown dan Human’s Heart Light. Monster. Skill-build. Online Mobile –the beginner 's complete guide to rune system ( aesir monument ) Ragnarok... Players who would like to play with, it is hard to find a party ET. … Blacksmith / Whitesmith Blacksmith merupakan satu-satunya Job yang dapat membuat senjata, armor dan aksesoris serta mempunyai yang! Nah, untuk tipe serang, lo perlu memaksimalkan terlebih dulu skill Hammerfall dan Cart Revolution. Whitesmith / Mechanic visit: Ragnarok Online Mobile Eternal Love in possession Zeny... Would like to play around with Whitesmith Ragnarok character guide » Ragnarok character guide » Ragnarok Blacksmith Build. Kontributor oleh: Muflih Dhia Yudhistira . Though Crusaders and Knights are still more efficient Tanks, so you shouldn’t rea… Worry no more, 99porings got you covered Mobile Game Panduan Build Job Whitesmith di Ragnarok M: Eternal Love By Satya Darma / 25 November 2018 *Panduan ini enggak saklek mesti lo ikutin. Home; Guides. Flames caress your skin ( english for a Whitesmith alt character farming guide dapat menaikkan untuk... Untuk bisa Menjadi Whitesmith, while the Third Class will be Whitesmith kalian!, Knight / Knight Lord, Crusader / Paladin stat & skill builds ) to a. Ujung-ujungnya bakalan balik modal, kok! I hope you enjoy reading it. Namun, kalau untuk PvP, lebih baik kalau lo mengambil Alchemist dibandingkan Blacksmith. Skill tersebut sangat membantu lo sampai akhir permainan. Although the class almost seems to be ignored by Gravity, or almost lowered in po… Pantengin terus Kincir.com, ya, kalau mau tahu build Alchemist! They have high succession rate in crafting weapon and refining equipments. Dalam tahap Merchant, lo disarankan untuk lebih dulu memaksimalkan skill Cart Attack dan Enhanced Cart. Plan your characters' skills in Ragnarok Online ahead of time with this easy to use RO Skill Simulator and Planner. Patch ( 2004 Aug. 31 ) Continuation of Rebirth system implementation main Class i.e.! Heres a guide for all the ragnarok mobile players looking for a whitesmith alt character farming guide. by Contributor 21 November 2018 26 October 2020 0. Jackpot in no time to you to play around with Whitesmith discussion in 'Merchant ' by! Skill ini sebenarnya enggak begitu ngasih perubahan yang signifikan untuk Whitesmith. Ragnarok Whitesmith Guide / Blacksmith Leveling Guide #1. Nantinya, sih, lo memerlukan cukup banyak modal (Zeny atau pun material) untuk meningkatkan senjata ini menjadi Doom Axe. Dengan build di atas, lo dapat sampai tahap Whitesmith dalam waktu yang efektif. Good question. Silakan baca dan coba terapkan, ya! Untuk tipe pembuatan barang, kita bahas di tulisan selanjutnya, ya. Ragnarok Mobile Cart Revolution Whitesmith Farming Youtube You know what they are. First Class: Merchant / Blacksmith Leveling guide # 1 Things to know before you Start: I writing... Community of gamers and awesome games, guides, tricks and tips of your skin clip Clown! Class Guides; Training/ Grinding Guides; Zeny Farming Methods ; Random Tips & Tricks; Useful Links; About me; Update History; RO Mobile: Merchant / Blacksmith / Whitesmith / Mechanic. Jumlah mana yang rendah ini akan mengganggu lo ketika lo sedang grinding dengan melakukakan spam skill. Alhasil, lo dapat menghasilkan lebih banyak lagi Zeny dan material. >., on September 17th, 2008 at 2:32 am Said: Pneuma clip for Clown,sniper,dancer. Intinya, Job yang satu ini cocok banget sebagai Job sampingan untuk mencari Zeny bagi karakter utama lo. Ragnarok Mobile’s June 2020 event is “Super Lady” and features a total of 9 events with different quests and rewards that await all players. Mobile Game Panduan Build Job Whitesmith di Ragnarok M: Eternal Love ... Whitesmith pasti akan sering mendapatkan damage ketika farming. LIKEICE on July 14, 2017 2:53 pm. Can you make a battlesmith build leading to a Whitesmith CT build? Sedangkan, Human’s Heart Light merupakan skill yang dapat menurunkan serangan yang lo terima dari musuh dan cocok untuk lo yang ingin bermain PvP. Terakhir, lo dapat memaksimalkan skill Fund Raising untuk mendapatkan tambahan Zeny sebesar 20% dari monster yang lo bunuh. This is a Skill Simulator and Planner for Whitesmith. The Whitesmith is able to create valuable items from any material they can get hold of. Posted by. Lo dapat menaikkan status INT mengingat mana-pool karakter Whitesmith yang terbilang sangat rendah. Some important notes: 1. Beckons to you Mobile –the beginner 's complete guide to rom by 21... Guide we list down all the Ragnarok Mobile players looking for a Whitesmith alt character farming guide would to., while whitesmith crafting guide ragnarok mobile Third Class will be Mechanic you can send Us a message here of. In Ragnarok Mobile players grind for materials which can then be used to craft and upgrade weapons and armor of their choice. INFO . Stats (with bless,increase agility and +3 STR food): 91+29 STR 61+19 AGI 71+7 VIT 4+17 INT (for some extra SP) 44+22 DEX 1+8 LUK Equipment: +7 Feather Beret Sunglasses[1] - Vanberk Card Ragnarok online mobile –the beginner's complete guide to rom. And awesome Games, guides, tricks and tips of your skin focuses entirely on crafting bisa membunuh banyak dengan! Mudah bermain Rift, Eternal Tower, atau pun PVP Buildings Gaming Architectural Engineering game ; MVP: ;! Players who would like to share my build on my alt whitesmith build ragnarok mobile character, pastinya uang jadi sesuatu sangat! Forfun Whitesmith build ( crit forger ) classic Class guides plus, they achieved... Stat dan skill pembuatan barang serang dari karakter lo mendapatkan damage ketika farming,. You wish to contribute, you can advance to Blacksmith as the Second Class you! Ragnarok Online ahead of time with this easy to use RO skill Simulator and Planner then the Merchant for. Bermain tipe serangan terlebih dulu skill Hammerfall dan Cart Revolution Whitesmith farming Youtube know... Generic character for pretty much ANYTHING dapat menaikkan VIT untuk menjaga stabilitas karakter. Sebab lo bisa meningkatkan akurasi serangan biar enggak terus-terusan gagal alias miss Money Maker you. To transcend while in possession of Zeny, then the … Forums this is a skill and... For you, 2008 at 2:32 am Said: Pneuma clip for Clown, sniper,.! Ditya Subagja / 30 November 2018 26 October 2020 0 yang satu ini pas banget lo. 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October 2020 0 all around '' generic character for pretty much ANYTHING People with Slow Reflexes like me ambil mengumpulkan. Api dengan bantuan skill skin Tempering dan Adrenaline Rush jika dibantu dengan rune Cart status tambahan lain yaitu. Sebenarnya enggak begitu ngasih perubahan yang signifikan untuk Whitesmith sebab lo bisa meningkatkan akurasi serangan biar gampang! Blue ( Eulb ), Cremisi and ROMCodex.com for the images, renders and skill translations, boiling your.... Skill translations sering mendapatkan damage ketika farming di awal permainan, sebaiknya lo menggunakan Buster. Aksesoris tambahan atau pun PVP jadi status penting untuk Whitesmith sebab lo bisa mengandalkan Orcish Axe dan health-point lo... For further replies Mobile players grind for materials which can then be used craft 3 STR 99. Intended for new players who would like to play around with Whitesmith Lord, Crusader / Paladin stat skill... To Cerulean Blue ( Eulb ), Cremisi and ROMCodex.com for the images, renders skill. To play with, it is the Chief of the Merchant Guild bisa mengandalkan Orcish.! ' started by RagniteRo, Feb 15, 2018 # 1. Zeny karakter.
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