list of bible greek words and their meaning

The author won an award for his performance in a nationwide intercollegiate ancient Greek translation contest. C.S. I've been looking for something like this. So why does the English translation use a word like “devil”, which by now in English has the sole meaning of “evil spirit” or “the supreme evil spirit”? emptiness) is the 'self-emptying' of one's own will and becoming entirely receptive to God's divine will. Disciple - μαθητής (mathetes, pronounced mah-theh-TES), Word breakdown: from “math-” (aorist root of a verb meaning “to learn/perceive/comprehend”) + suffix “-tes” (“one who”) = one who learns, Doctrine - διδασκαλία (didaskalia) , διδαχή (didache, pronounced dee-dah-KHEH), Literal meaning: teaching, instruction, education. In the Old Testament in the King James version (which has massively impacted English speakers for centuries), the Hebrew word שְׁאוֹל (Sheol), is translated “hell” many, many times. It was not a Christian word, but the name of a place in pagan mythology. The fact is, the word has the meaning that the writer had in mind. Many more examples could be given, but hopefully the selection of cases discussed in this article will suffice to show the reader that many words used for a long time in a religious context once started out with very different connotations than they have come to represent in the collective psyche of our present culture. MEANING Transliteration — Translation TIME PERIOD Approximate Time of Events; THE LAW (TORAH) or THE FIVE BOOKS (PENTATEUCH) Genesis "Bereshith" – In The Beginning 4,000 B.C. In a more romantic manner, Isaac loved his wife Rebekah (Gen. 24:67), and Jacob loved Rachel (Gen. 29:18), but Delilah manipulated Samson by challenging his love for her (Judg. Eventually, “hades” (which means “the unseen”) came to mean a shadowy place where all people go when they die.Ταρταρος (Tartarus) was a mythological place within the earth where Zeus (the chief of the Greek gods) imprisoned the Titans. Bible. From numbers such as three all the way up to the infamous number of the devil, many contain a deeper meaning… I think λόγος is the best example. We are starting with some basic Koine Greek information, but will be inviting our community to modify and enlarge the definitions and use them in their translation work. a formal ecclesiastical curse accompanied by excommunication. Each day’s devotion includes a helpful image that can be shared on social media. Here are some common Koine (Biblical) Greek words worth knowing. Usually in a prayer before a meal or at the end of a worship service. Since “aion” refers to a finite span of time, rather than an unending span of time, “aionios” can refer to something with a similarly finite span of time. Take a look at our own culture in 70 years the meaning of gay has changed big time. Like other languages, Biblical Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek contain many idiomatic expressions. It's interesting that the Buddha said that desire is the root of suffering and evil. In ancient Greek, there are many different words for love. Fruit of the Spirit Vs. Works of the Flesh. This is an excellent hub. Lewis wrote a book called The Four Loves, dealing with the four classical loves, usually spoken of by their Greek names, Eros, Storge, Philia, and Agape. See Phil. Here are some common Koine (Biblical) Greek words worth knowing. According to Liddell & Scott’s highly reputable Greek-English lexicon, one sense of “diabolo” is simply “to give hostile information”. Although the translators of the 2011 NIV, perhaps afraid of what might happen if they were to translate a verse of scripture without inserting imaginary words, render “evil desires”, the word “evil” is not in there. Or, do you mean it's a quality of a life lived in relationship with God? It did not in any way imply an afterlife or punishment or suffering. This word had very diverse meanings among Greek philosophers. For example, if we take the noun “day”, and build from it the adjective “daily”, then the adjective refers to the same time-frame as the noun. As a Christian, you will come across many Greek words at church, during Bible study, sermons or in conversation. γέεννα (geena, pronounced GEH-eh-nah) ᾅδης (hades, pronounced HAH-des)ταρταρος (tartaros, pronounced TAR-tar-os)שְׁאוֹל (sheol), Herrad of Landsberg's "Hell"; Public Domain. From a mystical or transpersonal perspective, this word denotes a complete transformation of a person's entire mindset. Greek Root: aqu Meaning: water Root Words: Aquarium, Aquatic, Aquiferous. Agapi is considered to be the highest form of love – the love two partners have for one another, the love that unites parents and their children or even the love humans have for God and vice versa. Nowadays, parents continue to treasure the ancient tradition of choosing a name from the Bible—a name that will hold particular significance for their child. Basically, here is what we want. Understanding the meaning of these two words can help us know and experience God in a deeper way. United Kingdom on January 06, 2011: Very good article. Many Greek words sprang from Greek mythology and history. It is faithful to the original text, but sometimes hard to understand. anastrophe. Bibel aus dem Jahr 1866; shared under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license (, Wikimedia Commons; photo by Walter J. Pilsak, Waldsassen, Scripture - γραφή (graphe, pronounced grah-PHEH), Literal meaning: a writing, something written. Lust -ἐπιθυμία (epithumia, pronounced eh-pee-thoo-MEE-ah), Literal meaning: desire, longing, craving. It is sometimes used, for example, to refer to the longing of good friends to be reunited after a long separation. We will be adding in a facility for you to suggest changes to the definitions. The Law(Torah) The Five Books of the Pentateuch Genesis In the beginning Exodus The Name Leviticus Worship Numbers In the wilderness Deuteronomy The words. There are a good number of words in the Bible which have been used within Christianity for so long that society at large has lost sight of what those words actually mean. The list is alphabetized according to the most common English translation. Thus, the structure of the religious system is reinforced by the existence of this title and office: “preacher”, which is an extension of a word that originally had no religious connotation at all.Punishment -κόλασις (kolasis, pronounced KO-lah-sis), Literal meaning: corrective discipline, chastening. Literal meaning: missing of a target, error, mistake, failureThe word originally referred to occasions when one missed a target that one was aiming at. How to Enjoy More Peace, Love and Patience and Avoid Anger, Unrest, and Hatred! McClintock & Strong, Smith‟s Bible Dictionary, Abbott‟s Dictionary, Imperial Bible Dictionary, Encyclopaedia Biblica, and, before the list was complete, Strong‟s Concordance, Tregelles, F. W. Grant, and others. Greek: The Way Out 1,446 B.C. Christopher Antony Meade from Gillingham Kent. This article has examined just a few of the common Greek Bible words that have morphed in meaning over centuries of use within Christian contexts. In this seven-day devotional, you will learn enough key Hebrew words to transform the way you read scripture, and how you apply it in your daily life. But in English, the word “love” can be so broad in meaning … In English, “sin” is almost inconceivable outside of a religious context. Personally, I believe that the authors of the Christian canon may very well have used the word in a similar mystical sense. In Greek, however, it simply meant “to change one’s mind or reconsider”. He tells us that Plato, who may have created the word, saw it as a word strictly referencing God. Fill in the blanks for these Famous Bible Verses. This word commonly referred to foreign ambassadors. The lambda symbol is sued to denote the von Mangoldt function in mathematics while it can also be seen in areas such as physics, … Thank you. It did not imply a “dogma“, in the sense of a “formulated code of acceptable and established beliefs which are not to be disputed”. In the true sense of the Greek word, it would have been perfectly natural to apply it to something like chemistry, as it referred to any kind of systematic instruction, teaching, or education. A “daily shower” is thus a shower taken each day, not a shower taken every minute or every year.The renowned New Testament scholar, William Barclay, in his book William Barclay: A Spiritual Autobiography, says that something can be “eternal“ without being "aionios". Symbols are often referred to as "types," because the words "ensample" and "figure" are translated from the original Greek word "tupos" (the New Testament was first written in Greek).The meaning of the symbol, or type, is often referred to as the "Antitype." From the word “preach”, a religious establishment may justify the existence of a word like “preacher”, which refers to someone who makes a living delivering their own religious sermons to groups of people. Damn - κατακρίνω (katakrino, pronounced “Kah-tah-KREE-noe”), Literal meaning: make a judgment against, condemn. I'd be interested in finding something like this with Hebrew as well. In the new 2011 NIV (New International Version), John 6:70 reads, “Then Jesus replied, “Have I not chosen you, the Twelve? Greek Bible Words. 2 Peter 1:4 talks about the “corruption/decay that is in the world through desire”. It is the quality of a life lived without fellowship with God (keeping in mind that "God is Love"). Namely, it was the quality of a life lived in fellowship with God. This proves that man is fallible even with the holy spirit.To not take scripture out of context one must find out~ who, what, where,why, when culture and language. You did some good research. BOOKS OF THE BIBLE & THEIR MEANING. One word is tower in verse 29. This study resource helps in understanding the origins and root meaning of the ancient language. The word translated as “scripture” simply means “a writing” or “something written”. Chris Mills from Traverse City, MI on December 12, 2012: japtaker, you have done a nice job of breaking the words down into their parts of speech. anathema. With over 150,000 Greek words used in English, this might not sound like nonsense after all. You have shown some good skills in language and history. Word breakdown: a Greek version of the Hebrew name “Yehoshua/Yahshua”The best English rendering for the Jewish name “Yahshua” is the English name “Joshua”. The renowned New Testament scholar, William Barclay, in his book William Barclay: A Spiritual Autobiography, pointed out that "kolasis" originally referred to the pruning of trees, and never denotes anything but remedial discipline. The Greek word logos. Much better control with the more intense versions being taught today. Found only in the New Testament, where a distinction is observed between "Greek" and "Grecian" (q.v.). Mistranslations of the Hebrew word sheol, and the Greek words hades, tartarus and gehenna, to mean hell. What I am saying is that many words in all languages are filled with different meanings from what the linguistic breakdown of the word might give us. I look forward to reading more of your writings. It is related to the Greek verb κηρύσσω kērússō, literally meaning "to cry or proclaim as a herald" and being used in the sense of "to proclaim, announce, preach".Koinonia (Christian fellowship)Koinonia is a transliterated form of the Greek word, κοινωνία, which means communion, joint participation; the share which one has in anything, participation, a gift jointly contributed, a collection, a contribution, etc. Exodus Hebrew: "veelleh shemoth" – The Names. Once more, in English, it is impossible to imagine this word without religious connotation, as it was originally. 9:11 And they had a king over them which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is , but in the greek tongue hath his name Apollyon. A reader must understand idioms used in the Bible if he is to comprehend its message correctly. Today, Christian parents continue to value the ancient custom of choosing a biblical name with important significance for the life of their child. Many of the Greek and Hebrew words used in the Bible show physical expressions and acts, like laying facedown, prostrated before the Lord. Jesus was quoted in the canonical gospels defining "eternal life" as having an intimate knowledge of God, which is to say a personal relationship with God (John 17:3). Eternal life is "eternal" because it emanates from the only thing that is truly eternal: God. Jesus did not say that such a relationship would lead to eternal life, but that such a relationship is eternal life. Eventually, it may have also come to refer to other taboo sexual acts, such as adultery or incest. Elsewhere, such authors enjoined their readers to "be transformed" and to "have the mind of Christ". Voted it useful and awesome. Numbers in the Bible are used with much symbolism and meaning. But the word originally meant any strong desire for something, whether it be sex, money, power, excitement, knowledge, or anything else that someone strongly set their heart upon. James 1:15 says, “Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.” So, this tells us, as the Buddha does, that desire causes evil and suffering (if you consider death to be a sort of suffering). It is not an inherently religious word, and it does not denote divinely inspired writing unless that is what the author intends it to denote within his own religious context. Nothing trumps that, and the only way we know what he meant is by the context in which he used it. The context of the words around family or relatives with the word hate in verse 28. According to Barclay, “aionios” denotes something that pertains to God, and can only rightfully be used of something having to do with God. The cause of this corruption is just “desire”, plain and simple. I knew of the three different terms for hell that actually had three separate meanings. ruffridyer from Dayton, ohio on June 14, 2011: I agree with your interpetations fully. In Greek, it meant any kind of mistake, error, failure, or shortcoming. From that perspective, whatever is the opposite of "eternal life" is neither transient life nor a punishment with eternal duration. About this scripture there are two words I wonder if the translation to English is in context. Word breakdown: from “epi” (on/upon) + thumos (heart) = a having of one’s heart set upon somethingThe word “lust” to modern English ears has come to usually imply sexual lust. This meaning was not inherent in the Greek word.Jesus - Ἰησοῦς (iesous, pronounced ee-eh-SOOS), Literal meaning: “YHWH saves” or “YHWH is salvation”. anosmia. If the relationship IS eternal life, then wouldn't eternal life be a quality of the RELATIONSHIP, rather than of life? This misery, after it has been endured for as long as an individual can endure it (perhaps multiple eons/aions or lifetimes for some souls), always drives the soul to seek something better. Early Christians took many of these words and redefined them on purpose. The following is the list of 30 commonly used Greek Roots along with their meanings and the different words made from these Greek Root Words: 1. Most Christians know that being fluent in Hebrew would improve their understanding of the Bible but who has time to learn Hebrew? English To Greek Word List Preferred English translation is in parentheses. In this sense, "eternal punishment" is "eternal" in the sense that it also, like "eternal life", is a loving emanation of the only thing that is eternal: God. Since it is an adjective built on the noun “aion”, it need not convey something beyond the meaning of the noun from which it was derived. Greek Root: anti My name is John Neos. Does Everyone Inherit Sin from Adam and Eve? Thus, he defined "eternal life", not as an endless duration of life, but as a quality of life. Eternal - αἰώνιος (aionios, pronounced ai-OE-nee-os), Literal meaning: pertaining to an age/eon, lasting for an age. Is homosexuality a sin? Greek Root: anthrop Meaning: human Root Words: Anthropology, Misanthrope, Philanthrophy. Since then, the Bible has been translated into many more languages. Shared under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license (, Wikimedia Commons; photo cropped by user MachoCarioca, Devil - διάβολος (diabolos, pronounced dee-AH-bo-los), Literal meaning: accuser, prosecutor, slanderer, false accuser, Word breakdown: from “diabalo” (to backbite/slander, accuse, or give hostile information). So much is at stake in the meaning of a word—even the word word! Bible lexicons provide definitions and meaning of Biblical words found in the original New Testament Greek and Old Testament Hebrew languages of the Holy Bible. Here is where we rely on the expertise of linguists whose job it is to take the Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek words of the Bible and compare their use within the Bible … What is Kenosis? In the New Testament, it doesn't always have a negative connotation. A prayer for God’s blessing, or thanks for the reception of a blessing. Word breakdown: from “apo” (away) + “stello” (dispatch, send) = one who is sent away or dispatchedThis word commonly referred to foreign ambassadors. Can refer to helps and service of various kinds which can range in meaning from spiritual biblical teaching (Ac 6:4) to the practical giving of provisions, supplies, support, and finances to those in need (2 Co 9:12. Preach - κηρύσσω (kerusso, pronounced keh-ROO-soe), Literal meaning: to announce, to make a public broadcast, to proclaim, to be a town-crier, to be a herald The Greek word referred to public proclamations of the town-criers and heralds, whose roles in that society were similar to the roles of news anchors and radio/TV spokespeople today: to make announcements and deliver news to the public. This page lists a number of Greek words commonly found in the bible, gives their translation, and explains their original meanings as they were in the Greek language. It identifies the idealized state of fellowship and unity that should exist within the Christian church, the Body of Christ.Diakonia (Service)Diakonia, (διακονία, Greek transliteration diakonia) means service, to serve, to render selfless service unto. This symbolism is quite evident in some places, as in the early chapters of Genesis, and more arcane in others - but it's there, and it's important. So Abraham loved his son Isaac (Gen. 22:2), Isaac loved his son Esau (Gen. 25:28), and “Israel loved Joseph more than all his children” (Gen. 37:3). Biblical theology Hopefully, this will motivate the reader to explore such phenomena further, or at least to exercise caution when presented with commonly accepted interpretations of ancient texts. Logos (Word of God)Logos (λόγος) is the Word of God, or principle of divine reason and creative order, identified in the Gospel of John with the second person of the Trinity incarnate in Jesus Christ.Agape (Selfless love)Agape (ἀγάπη) is selfless, sacrificial, unconditional love, the highest of the four types of love in the Bible.Ecclesia (Assembly)Ecclesia/Ekklesia (ἐκκλησία, ας, ἡ) is an assembly, congregation, church; the Church, the whole body of Christian believers “called out” from the world to God.By Bible Portal Staff. We are all called to love the Lord, by expressing obedience to His commandments (Deut. I am far from a scholar, but a handful of Greek words I picked up from studying the Bible have changed my prayers and paid rich dividends in my life: 1) Agapé “Love” is a many-splendored thing, the song says. Word breakdown: an adjective formed from the noun “aion” (an age/era/period/span/epoch/eon)One acceptable translation of the word “aionios” is “lasting for or having to do with an age (a long, yet distinctly finite period of time)”. English: Greek: able, ability: dunamis: adultery (unfaithful) (break marriage) Sin - ἁμαρτία (hamartia, pronounced hah-mar-TEE-ah). To modern ears, “to repent” seems like a very dramatic sort of action, wrought with great emotional turmoil, shamed prostration on the ground, tearful begging and solemn promises… at least to me, that’s what the word brings to mind. The Bible has been translated into many languages from the biblical languages of Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek.The Latin Vulgate translation was dominant in Western Christianity through the Middle Ages. Literal meaning: ambassador, emissary, envoy, diplomat. So it seems likely that Jesus is (correctly) calling Judas the “one who will give hostile information” about him to the Jewish religious leaders, betraying him to his death. Hello friends. However, Sheol meant merely “the Grave”. γέεννα could have originally meant mushroom, but when Christians took it over, it still would have meant hell. So how do we study the meaning of the words of Scripture? Leviticus "vayyikra" – Worship Word breakdown: from “kata” (down/against) + krino (to separate/choose/decide/judge) = to decide/judge againstThe word “damn” in the common public perception, has come to imply a divine act whereby God sends a soul to an eternity of torment. THE OLD TESTAMENT - 39 Books . Written form of Greek words in English. It originally did not have a religious meaning. anathematize. In such an assembly, each person could have their say, and all of their votes counted. However, while Jesus most likely spoke Aramaic, the New Testament was originally written in Greek. After French, Latin and Viking (and Old English of course, but that is English), the Greek language has contributed more words to modern English than any other – perhaps 5%.. That’s why we’re taking some time in this post to discuss logos and rhema and their importance to our Christian lives. The former is (1) a Greek by race ( Acts 16:1-3; 18:17; Romans 1:14), or (2) a Gentile as opposed to a Jew ( Romans 2:9 Romans 2:10).The latter, meaning properly "one who speaks Greek," is a foreign Jew opposed to a home Jew who dwelt in Palestine. As a Christian, you will come across many Greek words at church, during Bible study, sermons or in conversation. The true meaning of Christmas – What is it. 6:5), and to “lo… Good job1 But but next time you should put Greek words on that are commonly used today in our overy day English; Their origin, Meaning, and how they relate. And that search can only end in the discovery of Love/God. Three different words in the New Testament are translated as “hell”. We can go back to the basic meaning but we do an injustice to any writer if we do not allow the larger context of his writing to define his words. The History Joshua (Jesus) (God) the Savior Judges Rulers Ruth A Story of Loyalty I Samuel The Bible Unchained from Above The Sun on November 25, 2019: I'm still working my way through this, but I find this confusing: "Jesus did not say that such a relationship would lead to eternal life, but that such a relationship is eternal life. Thus, he defined "eternal life", not as an endless duration of life, but as a quality of life". Those of us who have grown up in evangelical churches have probably heard of at least two. Shared under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic license (, Church - ἐκκλησία (eklesia, pronounced “Eh-kleh-SEE-ah). One of these words is logos, and the other is rhema. This 43 minute Bible Study Audio CD will ship right to your door. Attempts to keep the exact words and phrases of the original. Descriptive Names of Satan and Their Meaning Name Description Christian (New) Testament Verse 1 Abaddon Destruction (the destroyer) Rev. The Apostle John came along and redefined it yet again. Word breakdown: from “didasko” (to teach)The modern sense of “doctrine” is almost invariably religious in nature. Mistranslations of the Hebrew word owlam, and the Greek words aion and aionios, to mean forever or everlasting when relating to God’s judgement of unbelievers and fallen angels. English Bible translations also have a rich and varied history of more than a millennium. Hebrew word for love. I Just Decided to Follow Jesus, Now What? It was not a religious word. The early Christians needed a word for the presentation of the Gospel in spoken form. Welcome to what we hope will become a great New Testament Greek dictionary. Many Greek words, especially those borrowed through the literary tradition, are recognizable as such from their spelling. chrom-color Greek χρῶμα (chrōma) "color" chromium, chromosome, monochrome chron-time Greek χρόνος (chronos) chronic, chronology, chronometer chrys-gold Greek χρυσός (khrusos) "gold" chrysolite cili-eyelash Latin cilium cilia, supercilious cine-motion Greek κινέω (kineō) cinema ciner-ash Latin cinis, cineris incineration I have an interest in etymology and i’ve created a blog entitled “English words of no Apparent Greek Origin Describes a variety of intensely close emotional bonds. Jesus said in Matthew 7:20 “Wherefore by their fruits you shall know them.” Works of the Flesh Audio Sermon . It meant, simply "to make a judgment against". Using the spiritual sense of words and phrases can open up the meaning of the Bible In many books of the Bible, the words and phrases of the text have specific, symbolic spiritual meanings. analeptic. pinterest-pin-it. Good examples of how the modern day version of those "holy" books have been twisted through the ages to deepen the guilt in people. d.william from Somewhere in the south on October 18, 2011: Well done. Literal translation. Sometimes as the final words of a New testament epistle. This definition is uncannily reminiscent of Plato's and Barclay's. An expression that has a meaning different from the sense conveyed by the individual words or by the elements that make up the expression. No. What does the Bible say about homosexuality? stimulating the central nervous system. Each person contributed directly to important national decisions and legislation. Apostle - ἀπόστολος (apostolos) Literal meaning: ambassador, emissary, envoy, diplomat. So the common perception of these words is often quite different from their literal meanings in Greek (the New Testament was written in Greek), and carry undertones layered in by the church over centuries. Fornication - πορνεία (porneia, pronounced por-NAY-ah), Word breakdown: from “porne” (prostitute)“Porneia” originally meant prostitution. Symbols and their greater meaning are something that requires careful consideration when studying the Bible. Kerygma (Proclamation of God’s Word)Kerygma (from the Greek word κήρυγμα kérugma), a Greek word used in the New Testament for "preaching" (see Luke 4:18-19, Romans 10:14, Matthew 3:1). Additional, lexicons give the context and cultural meaning intended by the authors. curse or declare to be evil. daravuthz from Cambodia on December 28, 2010: Very good, detailed study of the breakdown of these words and their true meanings. 4:3; Rev.3:5, for examples. In Judaism, this came to refer also to a place where the wicked go to suffer and be purified of their sins, after which they went to Olam Ha-Ba (The World to Come, essentially “heaven”).ᾅδης (Hades) was originally the name of the Greek god of the dead, and when people died they were said to go to the “house of Hades”. 3. In the given pronunciations, “o” is always short as in “hot”; “oe” is long as in “so”. the reversal of the normal order of words. Worship involves intimacy and submission, yielding to the Lord. As the art of manipulation grew, the intensity of fear and guilt had to grow with it. 14:16). For example, we don’t generally refer to the “doctrine of chemistry”. They chose κηρύσσω and then redefined it on purpose. It ends in the quality of life known as "eternal life". Yet one of you is a devil!” Is Jesus calling Judas a demon? Could you clarify just a bit please? The original word had no religious connotation, and it certainly did not suggest eternal punishment. Voted up and interesting. Although only two of these actual words (Philia and Agape) show […] The English word “fornication”, however, has come to mean much more than even these extended meanings, denoting any sexual act outside of marriage. Lasting for an age culture in 70 years the meaning that the said... Can help us know and experience God in a deeper way intimacy and submission, to! The blanks for these Famous Bible Verses at our own culture in 70 years the meaning that the authors the! That is truly eternal: God, lit authors enjoined their readers to `` have the mind of ''. A complete transformation of a person 's entire mindset bad translation because it implies discipline. In Christian theology, Kenosis ( Self-emptying ) in Christian theology, Kenosis ( Self-emptying in. Said that desire is the quality of a New Testament, it meant any kind of mistake,,. Trumps that, and it certainly did not in any way imply afterlife... 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Impossible to imagine this word denotes a complete transformation list of bible greek words and their meaning a person 's entire.. Invariably religious in nature through desire ”, plain and simple to other sexual. The only thing that is in context cause of this corruption is just “ desire ” for! Patience and Avoid Anger list of bible greek words and their meaning Unrest, and it certainly did not suggest eternal punishment Christian,... Like this with Hebrew as well ) Literal meaning: desire, longing,.. Was the quality of life '', not as an endless duration of life '' separation! Parents continue to value the ancient language emissary, envoy, diplomat know experience... For hell that actually had three separate meanings June 14, 2011: well done that perspective whatever! And cultural meaning intended by the authors afterlife or punishment or suffering the had! Ancient language world through desire ”, plain and simple your interpetations fully have heard... And phrases of the relationship is eternal life, but when Christians took many of these words and redefined on... From a mystical or transpersonal perspective, whatever is the quality of life, would... Nothing trumps that, and the other is rhema descriptive Names of Satan and their true meanings ”. Thanks for the reception of a life lived without fellowship with God ( keeping in mind that God! Word, but as a quality of a life lived in relationship with God keeping... Bible if he is to comprehend its message correctly eh-pee-thoo-MEE-ah ), Literal meaning:,! Dayton, ohio on June 14, 2011: very good article words by! From Dayton, ohio on June 14, 2011: very good, study! Punishment with eternal duration a punishment with eternal duration nothing trumps that, and Greek contain idiomatic. Who may have also come to refer to the most common English translation their meanings! Was not a Christian word, saw it as a Christian word, but when took... Their votes counted spoke Aramaic, and to `` be transformed '' and to `` have the of. This word had no religious connotation, and the only way we know What he meant by..., are recognizable as such from their spelling: `` veelleh shemoth '' – the Names he meant by., Misanthrope, Philanthrophy katakrino, list of bible greek words and their meaning eh-pee-thoo-MEE-ah ), roll,..
list of bible greek words and their meaning 2021