lake ladoga viking artifacts

All Vikings were Norse but all Norse were not Vikings. Archeological finds suggest that the Ladoga site, strategically located near the southeast edge of Lake Ladoga, was a trading center as early as the 7th century. The Vikings evolved from northern European Germanic tribes that invaded Rome and gave birth to the Anglo and Saxon tribes that invaded Britain. The northern shore, Ladoga Karelia with the town of Sortavala, is now part of the Republic of Karelia. Ladoga, IPA: [ˈladəgə]) is a freshwater lake located in the Republic of Karelia and Leningrad Oblast in northwestern Russia, in the vicinity of Saint Petersburg. The main source for the Vikings in Russia, The Russian Primary Chronicle, tells that in 862 the Viking Riurik and his kin were invited by Slavic and Finnic tribes to come and rule over them, developing a tributary tax system stretching from northwestern Russia to the upper and middle Dnieper River regions. Free P&P . Soviet scholars traditionally maintained that a confederation of Slav tribes existed three centuries before the Vikings arrived. This story describes my metal detecting outings in the area near the city of Priozersk, located on the southwestern shore of Lake Ladoga on the Karelian Isthmus, Russia. #2 Kievan Rus’ artifacts The Russian Primary Chronicle was compiled in the 12 th century, so Nestor, the monk who wrote it, could have accidentally (or not) sprinkled a bit too much of epic on it. Rare Ancient Bronze Ring Artifact Viking Lake Ladoga Type Old Nordic Jewelry. Instead they were farmers, herders, fishermen, traders, craftsmen, shoemakers, poets and storytellers as well as devoted family men. Viking princes became rulers in Novgorod and Kiev in 862 and 882. In 1617, by the Treaty of Stolbovo, the northern and western coast was ceded by Russia to Sweden. In the 11th century the lights dimmed on the Viking empire. Authentic Ancient Lake Ladoga VIKING Artifact Necklace Pendant RJ 12. Калесник С.В. Nizhnesvirsky Natural Reserve is situated along the shore of Lake Ladoga immediately to the north of the mouth of the River Svir. What we know about the Vikings is based on description by other Europeans and even Arab traders, archeological excavations, and Viking chronicles such as the Icelandic sagas. Nowadays Scandinavian “Vikings” seld… The light blue line marks the margin of the ice sheet by 13300 cal yr BP. One of the artifacts archaeologists have unearthed from the city is a talisman with the face of Odin, the Nors… There are around 660 islands, with a total area of about 435 km2. Many Scandinavians are descendants of Scandinavian Viking who intermarried with Celtic and Russian slaves. [3], Other hypotheses about the origin of the name derive it from Karelian: aalto 'wave' and Karelian: aaltokas 'wavy', or from the Russian dialectal word алодь, meaning 'open lake, extensive water field'. Authentic Ancient Lake Ladoga VIKING Artifact > Lot of Belt Decorations RJ 67-D. $44.00. $799.20. $55.00. However, unbalanced fishery led to the drastic decrease of catch in 1955–1963, sometimes to 1,600 tonnes per year. Trawling has been forbidden in Lake Ladoga since 1956 and some other restrictions were imposed. The plundered convents and monasteries, something that even the Mongol hordes and Tamerlane didn't do. Later, from around 1812–1940 the lake was shared between Finland and Russia. It began on Gulf of Finland (an eastern arm of the Baltic Sea east of present-day Helsinki), where traders ventured on the Neva River to Lake Ladoga. The city of Bulgar and the Khazar port of Itil were the main trade centers. This item was found while metal detecting in the Lake Ladoga region of Russia. This "Ladoga–Pasha structure", as it known, hosts Jotnian sediments. "To go Viking" meant to go on voyage of pillage and piracy. Authentic Ancient Lake Ladoga Viking Artifact Lot Of 10 Necklace Beads Vw1 M Extremely Rare Ancient - $39.99 Extremely Rare Ancient Old Viking Amulet Silver Color Artifact Authentic Authentic Ancient Lake - … The norse word viking in turn is believed to have been derived from the Old Norse word, vík, which means creek, inlet, or bay (where Vikings hid before launching a raid). They remained in the region until the 11th century when they were assimilated by indigenous tribes. he’s a Viking, who’s also a correspondent) said ‘you’d have to be an archaeological philistine, or at least a Chief Art Critic, to roll up to an exhibition like this and decry the lack of shiny stuff.’ Staraia Ladoga: The Foundation of Russia On the shores of Lake Ladoga is a settlement that is a key and little-known part of Viking and Russian history. The basin of Lake Ladoga includes about 50,000 lakes and 3,500 rivers longer than 10 km. The Rus were also called Varangians and Varyagi. Large amounts of coins have been found. The Ladoga Canal bypasses the lake in the south, connecting the Neva to the Svir. – real viking artifacts. [7] Most of the islands, including the famous Valaam archipelago, Kilpola and Konevets, are situated in the northwest of the lake. Free P&P . With a surface area covering 5,650 square kilometers, it is almost like a small inland ocean; but with maximum depth at 106 meters and average depth at just 27 meters, it offers easy accessibility and plenty of excellent diving. Viking kept slaves. Such material is made available in an effort to advance understanding of country or topic discussed in the article. This item is an authentic Lake Ladoga Viking artifact, as seen in the photos. See Details. This is a lot of bronze (9) and lead (1) beads. Rurik continued to rule his lands until his death. Authentic Ancient Lake Ladoga VIKING Artifact > 16 Matching Bronze Pendants VV69. It may have been used to describe the dominant Kievan Viking clan and later became affixed to the Eastern Slavs in the north, while those in the south became known as Ukrainians and Belarussians. This was brought about the fact that the place they used to raid had built up strong defenses and their conversion to Christianity mellowed them. Community assemblies, called things, acted as legislatures and courts. [Source: Robert Paul Jordan, National Geographic, March 1985]. It is possible, though not certain, that Ladoga was isolated from it during regression of the subsequent Yoldia Sea brackish stage (10,200–9,500 BP). Before dying, he named his own kinsman, Oleg (Old Norse Helgi) as his successor.He left his own son, Igor (Old Norse Ingvar), in his custody, until the boy came of age to rule.And so it was that the young prince Igor came to be under the protection of the rather capable Varangian chieftain, Oleg (Old East Slavic: Ѡлегъ). There were few written records. "They robbed, looted and killed and then went home and settled.”. View It on eBay. Large ocean-going vessels traveled down the Neva River to Lake Ladoga, where cargo was unloaded and switched to smaller vessels better equipped for traveling the narrower inland waterways. Dating of some sediments in the northwestern part of Lake Ladoga suggests it happened at 3,100 radiocarbon years BP (3,410–3,250 calendar years BP).[14]. [12][citation needed], Ladoga slowly transgressed in its southern part due to uplift of the Baltic Shield in the north. It has its own endemic ringed seal subspecies known as the Ladoga seal. Text Sources: New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Times of London, Lonely Planet Guides, Library of Congress, U.S. government, Compton’s Encyclopedia, The Guardian, National Geographic, Smithsonian magazine, The New Yorker, Time, Newsweek, Reuters, AP, AFP, Wall Street Journal, The Atlantic Monthly, The Economist, Foreign Policy, Wikipedia, BBC, CNN, and various books, websites and other publications. £57.86. Meanwhile, our own roving Viking correspondent (i.e. View It on eBay. 48 forms (species and infra specific taxa) of fish have been encountered in the lake, including roach, carp bream, zander, European perch, ruffe, endemic variety of smelt, two varieties of Coregonus albula (vendace), eight varieties of Coregonus lavaretus, a number of other Salmonidae as well as, albeit rarely, endangered Atlantic sturgeon (formerly confused with European sea sturgeon). They were about 20 feet long and 7 to 10 feet wide. Separated from the Baltic Sea by the Karelian Isthmus, it drains into the Gulf of Finland via the Neva River. Their swords are Frankish in pattern, broad, flat, and fluted.". In the Middle Ages, the lake formed a vital part of the trade route from the Varangians to the Eastern Roman Empire, with the Norse emporium at Staraya Ladoga defending the mouth of the Volkhov since the 8th century. In Scandinavian before the Viking Age, Scandinavian tribes in Norway and Denmark fought among themselves for dominance and Swedish raiders vied for control of the Baltic Sea against groups like the Kurs, the Saarlased or Oeselians (from the Estonian island of Saaremmaa), who have been called the original Vikings of the Baltic. The dark green line marks the southern shoreline of Lake Ladoga during the Yoldia stage of the Baltic basin. Early Scandinavians in Russia were known as Rus to the Slavs (Rhos to the Byzantines). In York, England, Vikings were even urbanites. Geologically, the Lake Ladoga depression is a graben and syncline structure of Proterozoic age (Precambrian). Oct 16, 2014 - Explore Aneta Potorska's board "Norse artifacts" on Pinterest. This item is an authentic Lake Ladoga Viking artifact, as seen in the photos. Hoffman was one of many Charles Point residents whose summer homes had been demolished by the heavy winds and torrential downpours. Leningrad: Гидрометеоиздат, 1973. Another Varangian, Oleg, moved south from Novgorod to expel the Khazars from Kiev and founded Kievan Rus' about A.D. 880. The Ladoga is rich with fish. Ancient Norse Viking Torc Bracelet Ca 800 1100 AD Brass Artifact Antiquity D. In one of Nestor's chronicles from the 12th century a lake called "the Great Nevo" is mentioned, a clear link to the Neva River and possibly further to Finnish nevo 'sea' or neva 'bog, quagmire'. [10][11], At 9,500 BP, Lake Onega, previously draining into the White Sea, started emptying into Ladoga via the River Svir. The Vikings became more settled down after accepting Christianity in 11th and 12th century. $280.00. Most Viking were not raiders. Free shipping to United States with $100 purchase from RigrCrafts. This item is an authentic Lake Ladoga Viking artifact, as seen in the photos. ", Describing 10th century Novgorod, the Arab geographer Ibn Rustah wrote: "As for the Rus, they live on an island...that takes three days to walk around and is covered with thick undergrowth and forests; it is most unhealthy...They harry the Slavs, using ships to reach them; they carry them off as slaves and...sell them. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Authentic Ancient Lake Ladoga VIKING Artifact > 16 Matching Bronze Pendants VV69 at the best … Metal Detecting Viking and Medieval Relics. Those that made it through the section if rapids often stopped at St. Gregory's island to offer sacrifices of birds, bread and meat. This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been authorized by the copyright owner. The Vikings were mostly pagan Norsemen from Norway and Danes from Denmark. A Viking rune stone was discovered in 1905 on the island of Berzany in the mouth of Dnieper at the Black Sea. Free shipping. The Vikings that entered Russia were primarily Swedes who lived on rivers and bays that were situated across the Baltic from Russia. At its height the territory under their control stretched from Lake Onega in the north, near the Black Sea in the south , the Volga in the east and the Carpathian Mountains in the west. View It on eBay. Lake Ladoga is a freshwater lake located in the Republic of Karelia and Leningrad Oblast in northwestern Russia, in the vicinity of Saint Petersburg. The Scandinavians embarked on a long journey from the Varangian (Baltic) Sea, through the Gulf of Finland and Lake Ladoga, then along the Volkhov River straight into Lake … They traveled on the inland waterways in shallow-draft boats carved by local residents from tree trunks. [Source: Library of Congress, July 1996 *], In A.D. 907, Oleg led a campaign against Constantinople, and in 911 he signed a commercial treaty with the Byzantine Empire as an equal partner. Река Нева. This is when pre-Viking-Age Scandanavians likely settled the northwestern Russian town of Staraya Ladoga (or “Old Ladoga”), across Lake Ladoga from what is now Finland. From Lake Ladoga travelers they moved southward on of three small rivers and portaged stretches to two upper arms of the Volga. According to T. N. Jackson, it can be taken "almost for granted that the name of Ladoga first referred to the river, then the city, and only then the lake". The ancient Valaam Monastery was founded on the island of Valaam, the largest in Lake Ladoga, abandoned between 1611–1715, magnificently restored in the 18th century, and evacuated to Finland during the Winter War in 1940. They dominated the land and ruled the cities in the 9th and 10th centuries. The most dangerous part of the journey on the Dnieper was a series rock-strewn rapids about 200 miles upriver from the Black Sea that could only be navigated during a few weeks of high water each year. Ancient Lake Ladoga VIKING Artifact > Silver Belt Decoration Fitting AA37-3. This constitutes 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. This item is GUARANTEED to be an AUTHENTIC ancient artifact dating from the 8th to the 11th centuries A.D. Ladoga is, on average, 5 m above sea level. This story describes my metal detecting outings in the area near the city of Priozersk, located on the southwestern shore of Lake Ladoga on the Karelian Isthmus, Russia. This item is GUARANTEED to be an AUTHENTIC ancient artifact dating from the 8th to the 11th centuries A.D. For those who remained slaves, their offspring were freed. Filter categories ancient bracelet lake ladoga viking swords were rare medieval swords and pierced cuphilt rapier ca add to smaller affordable artifacts antiquities we offer stunning and respected space memorabilia dealers website catalog and war relics gettysburg artifacts. Ladozhskoye ozero, IPA: [ˈladəʂskəjə ˈozʲɪrə] or Russian: Ла́дога, tr. In the early 14th century, the fortresses of Korela (Kexholm) and Oreshek (Nöteborg) were established along the banks of the lake. The isolation threshold should be at Heinjoki to the east of Vyborg, where the Baltic Sea and Ladoga were connected by a strait or a river outlet at least until the formation of the River Neva, and possibly even much later, until the 12th century AD or so. Later these Vikings intermixed with local people and engaged in trading rather than raiding. Among the craftsman were blacksmiths, jewel makers, silversmith and carvers of bone combs. Indeed, evidence suggests that the area had been settled since the Neolithic period. View It on eBay. £57.44. Commercial fishing was once a major industry but has been hurt by overfishing. Rare Viking amulet knife 10 12 century. They lived off of animals they hunted, fish they caught in the sea and whatever they could take from their raids. Other had to be portaged. According to the Primary Chronicle , the earliest chronicle of Kievan Rus', a Varangian named Rurik first established himself in Novgorod, just south of modern-day St. Petersburg, in about 860 before moving south and extending his authority to Kiev. In 1721, after the Great Northern War, it was restitutioned to Russia by the Treaty of Nystad. The western shore, Karelian Isthmus, became part of Leningrad Oblast. Along the way, the Rus were forces to pay tribute to Jewish Khazars and Muslim Bulgars, whose territory they passed through. The creation of Russia began with Viking adventurer-traders who opened up trade routes beginning around A.D. 800 on the great Russian rivers like the Dnieper and the Volga between the Baltic, Black and Caspian Seas. Reports for Christian sources tended to exaggerate Viking violence. Norse, or Northmen or Norseman, was the term used by medieval Europeans to describe Scandinavians. He says he was so weighted down he had to be lifted on his horse. They also used grinding stones and weights and balances. Watch. These Swedes made there way overland to great Russian rivers—the Volga, the Dnieper, and the Dvina—where they set up trading post and traded walrus tusks (the major source of ivory in Europe), furs and slaves captured in Russian forests with Muslim traders for silks, spices and gems from the Orient and Africa. However, both Soviet Russia and Finland had flotillas in Ladoga (see also Finnish Ladoga Naval Detachment). By the time they had begun pillaging Europe in the 9th century, there were distinctive Swedish, Danish and Norwegian tribes. During the Ingrian War, a fraction of the Ladoga coast was occupied by Sweden. Artifact recovered Rus graves at Gnezdovo, a 10th century settlement in the forest near Smolensk, include silver Scandinavian-style pendants, Slavic style jewelry, and Arab-style bronze ornaments with scabbard clips and circular cloak fasteners. The Germanic tribes that became Vikings began settling in Scandinavia in the 5th and 6th century and developed a Germanic language called Norse. Archaeology on the site shows a sudden appearance of Scandinavian artifacts in Ladoga. Some Vikings in Russia lived up their stereotype of big time partiers. Celtic Penannular Brooch - Recreated Historical Artifact - Lake Ladoga Viking Artifact $7.00 Loading In stock. 3-е изд. Stunning Ancient Ring Bronze Lake Ladoga Viking Unique Very Old Antique Artifact. Material Please select a material Quantity Please select a quantity Add to cart Whoa! Many are believed to have been buried to keep them away from pirates. The word viking comes from the Norse word víking ("pirate," which in turn is comes from a verb (roughly equivalent to "go viking") which meant to embark on an expedition of piracy and plunder. You can't buy your own item. According to the conditions of the 1920 Tartu Peace Treaty militarization of the lake was severely restricted. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. On traveling down the frozen Volga river in the wintertime, he wrote: "I put on three fur coats and two pairs of trousers and on my feet I had woolen boots, with a pair of boots quilted with linen cloth on top of them and on top of these again was a pair of horsehide boots lined with bearskin." About 85% of the water inflow is due to tributaries, 13% is due to precipitation, and 2% is due to underground waters. 862, three Varangians brothers, were invited by a conglomeration of Eastern Slavs’ tribes, from modern northern Russia and Ukraine, to rule over them. Around 5,000 BP the waters of the Saimaa Lake penetrated Salpausselkä and formed a new outlet, River Vuoksi, entering Lake Ladoga in the northwestern corner and raising its level by 1–2 m.[13], The River Neva originated when the Ladoga waters at last broke through the threshold at Porogi into the lower portions of Izhora River, then a tributary of the Gulf of Finland, between 4,000 and 2,000 BP. When the Rus traders reached the Black Sea they attached sails to their boats. Ладожское озеро. Was: $99.00. – real viking artifacts. The Baltic was known as the Varangian Sea and their trade routes were called the Varangian Way. Other historic cloisters in the vicinity are the Konevets Monastery, which sits on the Konevets island, and the Alexander-Svirsky Monastery, which preserves fine samples of medieval Muscovite architecture. And very soon they became part of the people who lived there.” Ultimately the Vikings were extremely practical and adaptable. $4.05 shipping. Questions or comments, e-mail, History - Themes, Timelines and Early History of Russia. View It on eBay. This item is GUARANTEED to be an AUTHENTIC ancient artifact dating from the 8th to the 11th centuries A.D. City of Shlisselburg, Saint Nicholas Skete on island Valaam on Ladoga lake and little ship, Oreshek Fortress on Ladoga shore in Shlisselburg. This item was found while metal detecting in the Lake Ladoga region of Russia. Authentic Ancient Lake Ladoga VIKING Artifact Lot of 4 Necklace beads VW1 O. Fishing on the Ladoga lake. You can't buy your own item. They introduced assemblies it in the year A.D. 1000 to present-day Russia, but they didn't really catch on. Saarnisto, Matti (1970). [16]. During the Pleistocene glaciations the depression was partially stripped of its sedimentary rock fill by glacial overdeepening. The journey from Kiev to the Black Sea took about six weeks. If possible, verify the text with references provided in the foreign-language article. These sentinels are necessary because of the Petchenegs who lie constantly in ambush. The article claims that a group of amateur archaeologists recently discovered a collection of Viking artifacts on the shore of Lake Huron near the town of Cheboygan, Michigan. An alternative route began in Gulf of Finland. Ancient coins from China and Samarkand found in Sweden most likely came on this route. Of the 120,000 coins found in Gotland Sweden, 50,000 were of Arabic origin (the rest were mostly English or German). They have no field but simply live on what they get from the Slavs' lands...When a son is born, the father will go up to the newborn baby, sword in hand; throwing it down, he says, 'I shall not leave you with any property: You have only what you can provide with this weapon. '", The Arab diplomat Ibn Fadlan wrote: "Never had I seen people of more prefect physique; they are tall as date palms, blonde and ruddy. A Temporal ring like this was worn around the head near the temples and hung on a headband generally made of … If they arrived a poorly defended port they pillaged. Photo credit: Shutterstock/Legion-Media The Vikings – or Varangians as they were called by the Ilmen Slavs that lived here at the time – reached Novgorod, the northern capital of ancient Rus’, by sea. Large caches of artifacts from Viking settlements have been found on Lake Ladoga in Russia and Gotland in Sweden in the Baltic. [2] Since the beginning of the 14th century this hydronym was commonly known as Ladoga. Since the beginning of the 1960s Ladoga has become considerably eutrophicated.[17]. The type of artifacts discovered in the region of the Viking Rus that display Viking origin include arm rings, brooches, religious artifacts like amulets displaying Thor’s hammer, and etchings of Odin in tools and wares discovered at the Russian trading sites. If the fort was well fortified and defended they traded. Lake Ladoga was initially part of the Baltic Ice Lake (70–80 m. above present sea level), a historical freshwater stage of Baltic Sea. Authentic Ancient Artifact > Viking Bronze Buckle with Bear Heads VK 53. Although Slavic tribes had formed their own regional jurisdictions by 860, the Varangians accelerated the crystallization of Kievan Rus'. Scandinavians developed the notion of a popular assembly. Some of the rapids could be navigated by skilled oarsmen. Many slaves were freed or married to free men. The Late Weichselian and Flandrian history of the Saimaa Lake complex. *, The Vikings were a seafaring people who hailed from settlements along the fjords of Norway, the sandy shores of Denmark and the coastal and river areas of Sweden. The Swedes were known primarily as traders, who open up river routes into Russia from the 8th to 11th and helped set up the state of Kiev in the late 9th century, and traveled as far as Istanbul, Baghdad and the Caspian Sea. The Vikings traded furs, amber, honey, beeswax, weapons and slaves from the north for silks and silver. This bracelet can be worn or displayed as an authentic Viking artifact. Describing the Swedes who colonized Russia an Arab trader wrote, "They stupefy themselves by drinking this nabid [possibly beer] night and day; sometimes on of them dies cup in hand. [1], The Germanic toponym (Aldeigja ~ Aldoga) was soon borrowed by the Slavic population and transformed by means of the Old East Slavic metathesis ald- → lad- to Old East Slavic: Ладога. After that they transport their vessels, sometimes by hauling them, sometimes by carrying them on their shoulders, past the rapids.”. Many are believed to have been buried to keep them away from pirates. Нежиховский Р.А. The situation gradually recovered, and in 1971–1990 the catch ranged between 4,900 and 6,900 tonnes per year, about the same level as the total catch in 1938. After the Winter War (1939–40) according to the Moscow Peace Treaty, Ladoga, previously shared with Finland, became an internal basin of the Soviet Union. After the war, between 1945–1954, the total annual catch increased and reached a maximum of 4,900 tonnes. This item is an authentic Lake Ladoga Viking artifact, as seen in the photos. [Source: Pritt Vesilind, National Geographic, May 2000]. In 972, they killed Prince Svyatoslav of the Rus and made a drinking cup of his skull. In 950, the Byzantine emperor Constantine Porphyrogenitus, wrote: "At the forth great rapid, which in Rus is called Airfor [Ever fierce]...everyone brings their ship to land and those who are in it stand watch after they disembark. Beginning in November, the Rus settled in small settlements made from logs along rivers and lakes and went into the countryside seeking tributes, raiding those who refused to pay up. Rus is an Arabic word and the source of the word Russia. Even before that instead of returning home to Scandinavia in the winter after a summer of raiding, they began establishing settlements, which were more convenient for launching their activities. Vikings founded Kievan Rus in the mid-9th century, but Scandanavian settlements in Eastern Europe actually date back to at least A.D. 750. The length of the lake is more than 200 kilometers. Ancient Viking Battle Axe Amulet Pendant IX X Century A D Certificate COA . In his opinion, the primary name of the lake was Old Norse: *Aldauga 'old source', associated to the open sea, in contrast to the name of the Neva River (flowing from Lake Ladoga) which would derive from the German expression for 'the new'. Authentic Ancient Artifact > Viking Bronze Buckle with Bear VK 68. $44.10. Supplies were transported into Leningrad with trucks on winter roads over the ice, the "Road of Life", and by boat in the summer. Under these circumstances, during much of the Siege of Leningrad (1941–44), Lake Ladoga provided the only access to the besieged city as a section of the eastern shore remained in Soviet hands. May 20, 2017 - Explore Joanna Hassam's board "Staraya Ladoga", followed by 124 people on Pinterest. Varangians was the name given to Norse warriors and traders in Eastern Europe, famous for serving as mercenaries and bodyguards for the Emperor of Byzantium Oleg, moved south from Novgorod to expel the Khazars from Kiev to the conditions of the refers. Authentic and incredible Bronze bracelet in heavy Bronze to wear as is or light cleaning and!. Europe actually date back to the conditions of the Republic of Karelia than more than 200.... Byzantines ) Artifact Necklace Pendant RJ 12 2014 - Explore Aneta Potorska 's board `` Norse artifacts '' Pinterest! Danes from Denmark was last edited on 15 January 2021, at 15:01 to free men was in... A.D. 880 winds and torrential downpours people on Pinterest with $ 100 purchase RigrCrafts! Situated across the Baltic from Russia makers, silversmith and carvers of bone combs - Historical! 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lake ladoga viking artifacts 2021